Monorepo of composite actions used in the stacks-network org
- cleanup - removes unused packages/dirs from a runner, freeing around 48GB of space on a runner
- codecov - Uploads codecov reports with a retry if it fails (optionally it can run grcov to generate a report to send)
- openapi - Generates and uploads an OpenAPI artifact
- docker - Generic Docker setup workflows
- generate-checksum - Generate a 512-bit
hash of the uploaded artifacts - check-jobs-status - Check the result of every job parsed as input. Only succeeds if none of the given jobs have failed.
- rustfmt - Run rustfmt for the given codebase
- stacks-core - actions for the stacks-core repo
Quite simply: DRY.
- Steps used across several workflows were basically all copy/pasted, requiring a search/replace when an update was needed (i.e. updating the version).
- There was a specific issue with free disk space on a runner VM, and some steps were added to a workflow to address it - only to have the same issue reoccur in another workflow.
- Repeatability and shareability - as more projects are added to the stacks-network org, they can all benefit from using commonly defined composite actions, as opposed to every repo doing it differently (maintenance moves from every repo to a single repo).