Restructure is a wrapper library for SQLite for iOS, macOS, and tvOS. It's fairly opinionated, as in, it does exactly what I want it to do. Feel free to use it, fork it, or do what you would like with it.
Starting at version 2.0.0, Restructure is a Swift Package Manager project. Use the appropriate tools to include Restructure in to your project.
A database can be opened with either a file path or run completely in memory.
// File backed database
let restructure = try Restructure(path: "/path/to/data.db")
// Memory backed database
let restructure = try Restructure()
// Closing the database
Restructure supports the standard mechanisms of SQLite.
// Execute a statement
try restructure.execute(query: "CREATE TABLE foo (name TEXT, age INTEGER)")
// Insert data
let insertStatement = try restructure.prepare(query: "INSERT INTO foo (name, age) VALUES (:name, :age)")
insertStatement.bind(value: "Bar", for: "name")
insertStatement.bind(value: 42, for: "age")
try insertStatement.perform()
// Update data
let updateStatement = try restructure.prepare(query: "UPDATE foo SET age = :age WHERE name = :name")
updateStatement.bind(value: 43, for: "age")
updateStatement.bind(value: "Bar", for: "name")
try updateStatement.perform()
// Reuse a statement
updateStatement.bind(value: 44, for: "age")
updateStatement.bind(value: "Bar", for: "name")
try updateStatement.perform()
// Fetch Data
let selectStatement = try restructure.prepare(query: "SELECT name, age FROM foo")
if case let row(row) = selectStatement.step() {
let name: String = row["name"]
let age: Int = row["age"]
Note: Statements finalize themselves.
Data conversions are handled by the framework. When binding data, it is bound using the closest datatype available to SQLite. When extracting values from a row, the data is converted to the explicit type of the variable. Variable types must be defined to extract the data. SQLite is then used to perform any data type conversion.
Restructure currently supports the following data types:
- Bool
- Int
- Int8
- Int16
- Int32
- Int64
- UInt
- UInt8
- UInt16
- UInt32
- Float
- Double
- Data
- Date
- String
- Array
To help with fetching data, all statements are Sequence
types and can be
iterated over. The iterator returns a row for every successful step
that would
have been performed.
let statement = try restructure.prepare(query: "SELECT name, age FROM foo")
for row in statement {
let name: String = row["name"]
let age: Int = row["age"]
Restructure supports storing arrays of data. This is done by encoding the data and storing it like a normal value. Encoding can either be done with binary plists or JSON.
// Make all arrays in Restructure binary plists
restructure.arrayStrategy = .bplist
// Make a specific statement use JSON
statement.arrayStrategy = .json
// Get and fetch an array of Integers
statement.bind(value:[1,2,3], for: "values")
let values: [Int] = row["values"]
Dates can be stored in the formats supported by SQLite. Typically this means:
- Integers for UNIX epoch times in seconds.
- Real for Julian days since January 1, 4713 BC.
- Text for ISO 8601 dates.
// Make all dates in Restructure julian
restructure.arrayStrategy = .real
// Make a specific statement use epoch
statement.arrayStrategy = .integer
// Get and fetch a date
statement.bind(value: Date(), for: "date")
let date: Date = row["date"]
You can prepare a statement with the StatementEncoder
and Encodable
struct Foo: Encodable {
let a: Int64?
let b: String
let c: Double
let d: Int
let e: Data
let foo = Foo(a: nil, b: "1", c: 2.0, d: 3, e: Data(bytes: [0x4, 0x5, 0x6], count: 3))
let statement = try! restructure.prepare(query: "INSERT INTO foo (b, c, d, e) VALUES (:b, :c, :d, :e)")
let encoder = StatementEncoder()
try encoder.encode(foo, to: statement)
You can extract data from a row with a RowDecoder
and Decodable
struct Foo: Encodable {
let a: Int64?
let b: String
let c: Double
let d: Int
let e: Data
let statement = try! restructure.prepare(query: "SELECT a, b, c, d, e FROM foo LIMIT 1")
let decoder = RowDecoder()
for row in statement }
let foo = try! decoder.decode(Foo.self, from: row)
You can extract data from a row with direct property access using Dynamic Member Lookup.
let statement = try! restructure.prepare(query: "SELECT a, b, c, d, e FROM foo LIMIT 1")
guard case let .row(row) = statement.step() else {
/// Handle error
let a: Int = row.a
let b: String = row.b
let c: Double = row.c
The Restructure object has a userVersion
property to track the version of a
database. This can be used for any purpose, but is best used for migrations.
// Run an initial migration
try restructure.migrate(version: 1) {
// Execute statements here
// Run another migration
try restructure.migrate(version: 2) {
// Execute more statements here
After each run of migrate
, the userVersion
value is incremented. Subsequent
runs of migrations are ignored for versions that have already been run.
Restructure makes no guarantees about thread safety. It is as safe as the underlying SQLite library.
The Codable
support only supports single objects. Hierarchies of data are not
is not supported as a data type, as SQLite only supports signed 64-bit