This library generates STAC objects for tabular dataset. It uses the table
STAC extension.
is only available through GitHub right now:
python -m pip install git+
Generate a STAC item from a Parquet Dataset.
>>> import datetime, geopandas, pystac, stac_table
>>> # generate the sample data
>>> gdf = geopandas.read_file(geopandas.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_lowres"))
>>> gdf.to_parquet("data.parquet")
>>> # Create the template Item
>>> item = pystac.Item(
... "naturalearth_lowres", geometry=None, bbox=None, datetime=datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 1), properties={}
... )
>>> result = stac_table.generate("data.parquet", item)
>>> result
<Item id=naturalearth_lowres>
The new item is updated to include the table
STAC extension
>>> result.stac_extensions
The updated fields are available under properties
{'table:columns': [{'name': 'pop_est', 'type': 'int64'},
{'name': 'continent', 'type': 'byte_array'},
{'name': 'name', 'type': 'byte_array'},
{'name': 'iso_a3', 'type': 'byte_array'},
{'name': 'gdp_md_est', 'type': 'double'},
{'name': 'geometry', 'type': 'byte_array'}],
'proj:epsg': 4326}
Finally, an Asset is added with a link to the the dataset,
>>> result.assets["data"].to_dict()
{'href': 'data.parquet',
'type': 'application/x-parquet',
'title': 'Dataset root',
'roles': ['data']}
will optionally fill in some additional values in your STAC item if you pass the appropriate keywords.
: Sets the item'sbbox
to the bounding box of the union of the geometry column's values. Relies on spatial partitions.infer_geometry
: Sets the item'sgeometry
to the union of the geometry column's values.infer_datetime
: Sets the item'sproperties.datetime
based on the values in thedatetime_column