- Homepage
- User Homepage
- Notes
Prefered file structure
- 6 sections - hero, title, features, comments, faq, footer.
- Here every content is static thus the data is taken from the
. - Components used: Hero, Features, Comments, FAQ, Footer
Sidebar Component is there in the route group. Has 3 parts - logo, user profile pic(hardcoded), options(open and close sidebar). When the logo is clicked it directs the user to the
. When the user pic is clicked it directs the users to theuser homepage
. When the 1st option is clicked it should open and close the sidebar, when opened it should display all the notes available.
- 2 section - Greetings, Tabs
- In the Tabs component 3 things are there - title, created on - last modified on, 3 dots(to delete the note). When the tab is clicked it directs the user to that note page.
- There should be on
+ New
tab that can create a new note when clicked.
- The notes page has a few main components - title, notes, footer, buttons
- The footer counts the number of words in the notes, the day it was created, the day it was last modified, and the status.
- The data should only be saved when the user clicks the save button. Then the status should change from
. you may add other features - There should also be a feature to tag. If the user types something that starts with # and has some character without space then it should style that particular text with different stylings. Link
- In the buttons tab there is also a mic. Clicking on the mic should convert your speech to text and also show
text in the footer button. figma might help here