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RoboFuzz is a fuzzing framework for testing Robot Operating System 2 (ROS 2), and robotic systems that are built using ROS 2. Any developer-defined properties relating to the correctness of the robotic system under test, e.g., conformance to specification, can be tested using RoboFuzz.

For technical details, please check our paper, "RoboFuzz: Fuzzing Robotic Systems over Robot Operating System (ROS) for Finding Correctness Bugs", which was published in ESEC/FSE 2022.

We tested six targets with RoboFuzz;

  • Two from the internal layers of ROS2 foxy:

    1. Type system (ROSIDL)
    2. ROS Client Library APIs (rclpy and rclcpp)
  • Four ROS-based robotic systems/libraries:

    1. Turtlesim (apt pkg: ros-foxy-turtlesim)
    2. Move It 2 + PANDA manipulator (included in moveit2_tutorials)
    3. TurtleBot3 Burger (ver. foxy)
    4. PX4 quadcopter (firmware v1.12 + fmu-v5)

We built test oracles by studying and encoding the correctness semantics of each target. These oracles are capable of detecting three types of semantic correctness bugs:

  1. Violation of physical laws
  2. Violation of specification
  3. Cyber-physical discrepancy

Getting RoboFuzz

Before you start, please refer to for hardware and software requirements, and check for the instructions on the installation and basic usage.

In a nutshell, you can obtain and use RoboFuzz by getting the docker image:

$ docker pull
$ docker tag robofuzz

(Due to the pre-compiled target robotic systems, the size of the image is approximately 20 GB, so docker pull might take a while.)

The docker image includes the code of RoboFuzz, along with the pre-compiled packages of the six targets and all the tools required for experiments:

  • /robofuzz/src/: Source code of RoboFuzz
    • /robofuzz/src/ Main module of RoboFuzz
    • /robofuzz/src/oracles/*: Correctness oracles for target systems
    • /robofuzz/src/watchlist/*: Topics to monitor
  • /robofuzz/targets: Pre-compiled test targets
  • /robofuzz/ros2_foxy: ROS2 foxy installation (instrumented ver.)
  • /opt/ros/foxy: ROS2 foxy installation (package manager ver.)

Running RoboFuzz and reproducing our results

RoboFuzz needs to be run separately for each target system.

0. Understanding the output of RoboFuzz

RoboFuzz creates an output directory to log all runtime information and metadata. Unless the path is explicitly specified through --logdir LOGDIR, you can find the logs under /robofuzz/src/logs/timestamp in the container. In addition, /robofuzz/src/logs/latest always points (i.e., symlinks) to the latest log directory.

  • Glossary

    • Exec: One exec of fuzzing includes running the target system, publishing a mutated message, checking for errors, and terminating the target.
    • Round: A round of fuzzing consists of multiple executions under a specific mutation schedule. Check /robofuzz/src/ for details.
    • Cycle: A cycle is a collection of several rounds. The number of rounds in a cycle is configurable. In general, RoboFuzz keeps mutating one message during one cycle, and moves on to the next message in the queue when the new cycle begins.
    • Frame: The timestamp taken at the beginning of a round.
    • Subframe: The timestamp taken when each message is published. For example, if an execution begins at ts-0, it is the frame. If, during the execution, RoboFuzz publishes a sequence of three messages at ts-1, ts-2, and, ts-3 respectively, each timestamp is the subframe of the corresponding message. Using the combination of the frame and subframe, any message can be located.
  • Each log directory has several sub-directories:

    • metadata/: contains node, topic, data type, cycle and round count of each execution.
      • Filename format: meta-{Frame}
    • errors/: Error messages emitted by oracles when bugs are triggered.
      • Filename format: error-{Frame}.
    • cov/: Feedback elements and their values when they are considered interesting.
      • Filename format: {Frame}.
    • queue/: Messages generated/mutated during fuzzing. If multiple messages were published during one execution, e.g., with SEQUENCE schedule, they can be retrieved by ls queue | grep {Frame}.
      • Filename format: msg-{Frame}-{Subframe}.
    • rosbags/: Rosbag files (i.e., dump of all messages and states) of buggy test cases. These are standard rosbags of ROS 2, and for detailed usage, please refer to the official tutorial.
      • Filename format: {Frame}/states-{exec}.bag

During or after the fuzzing campaign, you can refer to the contents of the log directory to make sense of the fuzzing progress and detected bugs.

1. Testing ROSIDL

  1. Start RoboFuzz container (HOST)

    $ xhost +
    $ docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --name robofuzz robofuzz
  2. Run RoboFuzz (CONTAINER)

    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# ./ --test-rosidl --no-cov --watchlist watchlist/idltest.json

The fuzzer will cycle through various ROS types and test the correctness of the type system implementation.

2. Testing RCL API consistency

  1. Start RoboFuzz container (HOST)

    $ xhost +
    $ docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --name robofuzz robofuzz
  2. Run RoboFuzz (CONTAINER) Please note that each of the following substep should be run separately in a clean-slate RoboFuzz container.

    a. Testing RCL publisher APIs while creating a publisher

    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# source /robofuzz/ros2_foxy/install/setup.bash
    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# ./ --test-rcl --rcl-api publisher --rcl-job create_publisher

    b. Testing RCL subscriber APIs while creating a subscriber

    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# source /robofuzz/ros2_foxy/install/setup.bash
    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# ./ --test-rcl --rcl-api subscriber --rcl-job create_subscriber

    c. Testing RCL node APIs while creating a node

    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# source /robofuzz/ros2_foxy/install/setup.bash
    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# ./ --test-rcl --rcl-api node --rcl-job create_node

    d. Testing RCL + CLI API consistency while setting a parameter

    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# source /robofuzz/ros2_foxy/install/setup.bash
    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# ./ --test-cli --no-cov

3. Testing Turtlesim

  1. Start RoboFuzz container (HOST)

    $ xhost +
    $ docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --name robofuzz robofuzz
  2. Run RoboFuzz (CONTAINER)

    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# ./ --no-cov --ros-pkg turtlesim --ros-node turtlesim_node --watchlist watchlist/turtlesim.json --method message --schedule single --interval 0.1

4. Testing Move It 2 + PANDA manipulator

  1. Start RoboFuzz container (HOST)

    $ xhost +
    $ docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --name robofuzz robofuzz
  2. Run RoboFuzz (CONTAINER)

    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# ./ --test-moveit --watchlist watchlist/moveit2.json --no-cov

Please note that we set a small margin in the joint limit checker oracle to prevent an existing specification violation that we found from being constantly reported and overshadowing other bugs. To reproduce this bug, please open /robofuzz/src/oracle/ and override MARGIN to 0.0 (see comments at the beginning of the file.)

5. Testing TurtleBot3 Burger

  1. Start RoboFuzz container (HOST)

    $ xhost +
    $ docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --name robofuzz robofuzz
  2. Run RoboFuzz (CONTAINER)

    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# ./ --tb3-sitl --no-cov --method message --schedule single --repeat 1 --interval 5.0 --watchlist watchlist/turtlebot3.json

Like the case of PANDA manipulator, there is an existing specification violation error in the LiDAR processor node, and this bug is triggered all the time regardless of the input messages, i.e., scan.range inf is out of range. To suppress the bug, please comment out lines 242-259 in /robofuzz/src/oracle/ and re-run the fuzzer.

6. Testing PX4 quadcopter

  1. Start RoboFuzz container (HOST, terminal 1)

    $ xhost +
    $ docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --name robofuzz robofuzz
  2. On another terminal, attach to the running container and run micrortps_agent (HOST->CONTAINER, terminal 2)

    $ docker exec -ti robofuzz /bin/bash
    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# source /
    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# micrortps_agent -t UDP
  3. Back on the first terminal, run RoboFuzz (CONTAINER, terminal 1) Please note that each of the following substep should be run separately in a clean-slate RoboFuzz container (meaning that steps 1 and 2 must be preceded).

    a. Testing the offboard mode (via ROS trajectory setpoint)

    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# ./ --px4-sitl-ros --method message --schedule sequence --repeat 1 --watchlist watchlist/px4.json --interval 0.02

    b. Testing via remote control commands (MAVLink)

    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# ./ --px4-sitl-mav --method message --schedule sequence --seqlen 100 --repeat 1 --watchlist watchlist/px4.json --interval 0.1 --px4-flight-mode POSCTL

    You can test PX4 under different flight modes by switching the last parameter, i.e., --px4-flight-mode POSCTL. Please check the usage from ./ --help.

    c. Testing by mutating parameter values (similar to PGFuzz)

    root@container_id:/robofuzz/src# ./ --px4-sitl-pgfuzz --method message --schedule single --repeat 1 --watchlist watchlist/px4.json --interval 15

Reports and PoCs of the bugs RoboFuzz detected

Bug numbers (# columnn) in each table are in sync with Table 2 of the paper.

1. PX4 bugs

# Fuzzing mode Short description Report/PoC
1 --px4-sitl-ros MPC_ACC_HOR_MAX parameter violation PX4/PX4-Autopilot#18033
2 --px4-sitl-ros Controller violates feed-forward setpoint specification PX4/PX4-user_guide#1458
3 --px4-sitl-ros Doc-implementation mismatch of trajectory setpoint message definition PX4/PX4-Autopilot#18855 (comment)
4 --px4-sitl-ros Incorrect definitions of applicable parameters in offboard mode PX4/PX4-Autopilot#18855 (comment)
5 --px4-sitl-mav Doc-implementation mismatch of MPC_POS_MODE parameter PX4/PX4-Autopilot#19101 (comment)
6 --px4-sitl-mav Doc-implementation mismatch of MPC_ACC_HOR and MPC_ACC_HOR_MAX parameters PX4/PX4-Autopilot#19101 (comment)
7 --px4-sitl-mav Doc-implementation mismatch of MPC_ACC_UP_MAX and MPC_ACC_DOWN_MAX parameters PX4/PX4-Autopilot#19101 (comment)
8 --px4-sitl-pgfuzz Drone moves in horizontal direction in the Takeoff mode (spec violation) PX4/PX4-Autopilot#19268

2. TurtleBot3 bugs

# Fuzzing mode Short description Report/PoC
9 --tb3-sitl Doc-implementation mismatch of maximum velocity ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3#765
10 --tb3-sitl Constraining logic fails to clamp velocity to the valid range ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3#765 (comment)
11 --tb3-hitl and --tb3-sitl Phy-sim discrepancy of maximum achievable torque ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_simulations#170
12 --tb3-hitl and --tb3-sitl Phy-sim discrepancy of maximum achievable velocity ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_simulations#170
13 --tb3-hitl and --tb3-sitl Phy-sim discrepancy in handling LiDAR scan data ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_simulations#178

3. Move It 2 + PANDA manipulator bugs

# Fuzzing mode Short description Report/PoC
14 --test-moveit Doc-implementation mismatch of joint limits moveit/moveit_resources#116
15 --test-moveit Velocities are zero when the manipulator is moving moveit/moveit2_tutorials#333

4. Turtlesim bugs

# Fuzzing mode Short description Report/PoC
16 --ros-pkg turtlesim --ros-node turtlesim_node Type confusion while normalizing an angle ros/ros_tutorials#128
17 --ros-pkg turtlesim --ros-node turtlesim_node Missing validation of NaN/INF in input variables ros/ros_tutorials#129

5. ROSIDL bugs

# Fuzzing mode Short description Report/PoC
18 --test-rosidl All floats are treated as doubles due to missing boundary checks ros2/rosidl_python#128
19 --test-rosidl Message setter does not handle byte correctly, treating them as string literals ros2/rosidl_runtime_py#14
20 --test-rosidl Missing data range checks for int arrays ros2/rosidl_python#153
21 --test-rosidl Missing data range checks for float arrays ros2/rosidl_python#153
22 --test-rosidl Implicit type casting of array elements alters data without notifying ros2/rosidl_python#153
23 --test-rosidl Missing type checks for bool array elements, allowing data of any type to be stored ros2/rosidl_python#153
24 --test-rosidl Missing type checks for byte array elements, allowing data of any type to be stored ros2/rosidl_python#153
25 --test-rosidl Missing type checks for string array elements, allowing data of any type to be stored ros2/rosidl_python#153

6. RCL API bugs

# Fuzzing mode Short description Report/PoC
26 --test-cli _on_parameter_events always returns True, regardless of the result ros2/rclpy#817
27 --test-rcl --rcl-api publisher --rcl-job create_publisher Missing sanity checks for rmw handle in rclpy_create_publisher ros2/rclpy#826
28 --test-cli rclcpp internally throws an exception that cannot be caught ros2/rclcpp#1581
29 --test-rcl --rcl-api node --rcl-job create_node Node param event checks rely on subscription, violates design principle of param callbacks ros2/rclcpp#1758
30 --test-rcl --rcl-api node --rcl-job create_node Error checking code is unreachable ros2/rclcpp#1758