The benchmarks run on 100k messages and consists of:
- Validate: test the performance of validating messages using ssb-validate
- JSON: test the performance of JSON stringify
- Flume: test appending messages to flumedb
- Minimal: append messages to secure scuttlebutt
- SSB Legacy: test the performance of createWriteStream
- SSB read: test the performance of db.get
- Clock dump: read a vector clock using getAtSequence
- Sbot read: read a vector clock using createHistoryStream
- Sbot replicate: replicate messages between two sbots using sbot read
- Sbot replicate post: replicate using post instead of createHistoryStream
- Sbot replicate ebt: like post but using ebt
- Flume reduce: test the performance of reduce, often used in indexes
- Private: test the performance of encrypting and decrypting messages
The results can be visualized using benchmark-ci-visualizer repo.
- install termux
- install sshd inside termux for easier remote controlling
- inside termux:
- apt install git nodejs-lts
- git clone
- npm i
Don't worry that sodium-native won't compile. Wasm is not so bad.