App created to show a bit of my resume and portfolio, made 100% in Swift implementing the MVVM architecture and using only native libraries.
The app is composed of a main screen with the following buttons that open their respective windows:
- Programming languages
- Skills
- Applications
- Experiences
- Achievements
- Contacts
- MVVM architectural pattern with SwiftUI
- Protocol Oriented Programming
- Design Patterns
- Autolayout
- Dynamic Type
- Localization (Multi-language)
- Unit and UI tests
- Performance optimizations
- Continuous Integration & Delivery (CI/CD)
- Adaptable interfaces (dark and light mode)
- MacOS BigSur
- Xcode 13
- iOS/iPadOS 15.4
- Download or clone the repository and open the Xcode project file (.xcodeproj)
- Compile and run the app by pressing ⌘B + ⌘R
The Tests folder contains the project's unit and UI tests. Press ⌘U to run them all at once or choose the desired ones manually from Xcode's sidebar Test Navigator or by opening the files.
The test schemas have been configured to provide test coverage, which can be accessed via the Report Navigator after running them.
All project files have been tested with nearly 100% coverage in the current version.