A TEI publishing application.
The Srophé Application is an open source TEI publishing framework. Originally developed as a digital publication platform for Syriaca.org [http://syriaca.org/] the Srophé software has been generalize for use with any TEI publications.
- Multi-lingual Browse
- Multi-lingual Search
- Faceted searching and browsing
- Maps (Google or Leafletjs) for records with coordinates.
- Timelines (https://timeline.knightlab.com/)
- D3js visualizations for TEI relationships
- RDF and SPARQL integration and data conversion
- Multi-format publishing: HTML, TEI, geoJSON, KML, JSON-LD, RDF/XML, RDF/TTL, Plain text
The Srophé Application runs on eXist-db v3.5.0 and up.
In order to use the git-sync feature (syncing your online website with your github repository) you will need to install the eXist-db EXPath Cryptographic Module Implementation [http://exist-db.org/exist/apps/public-repo/packages/expath-crypto-exist-lib.html].
To use the RDF triplestore and SPARQL endpoint you will need to install the exist-db SPARQL and RDF indexing module [http://exist-db.org/exist/apps/public-repo/packages/exist-sparql.html?eXist-db-min-version=3.0.3]
Clone or fork the repository.
Create a data repository, clone or fork the https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data repository, or create your own.
Add your TEI the data directory in srophe-app-data/data.
The Srophé Application depends on a unique identifier, for Syriaca.org uses tei:teiHeader/tei:fileDesc/tei:publicationStmt/tei:idno[@type='URL']
as a unique identifier.
It is also possible to use the document uri, changes would have to made in repo-config.xml and in controller.xql to enable use of the document uri rather then the tei:idno.
In the root directory of each of your new repositories run 'ant' [link to ant instructions] to build the eXist-db application. A new .xar file will be built and saved in srophe/build/ and srophe-data/build. You can install these applications via the eXist-db dashboard [http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/dashboard/index.html] using the Package Manager.
Once deployed the application should show up as 'The Srophe web application' on your dashboard. Click on the icon to be taken to the app.
Learn how to customize the application.