This extension wraps and makes system calls related to System V message queues available to Python applications. The following system calls are exposed:
- ftok: convert a pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC key
- msgget: get a message queue identifier
- msgsnd: send message to queue
- msgrcv: receive message from queue
- msgctl: message control operations
For more information on the system calls go visit your man pages.
The idea is that Python objects are passed between processes through a message queue. The objects you wish to pass must support "pickling". Here's an example:
>>> import msgq >>> key = msgq.ftok("", 42) >>> ID = msgq.msgget(key, 0666 | msgq.IPC_CREAT) >>> msgq.msgsnd(ID, 0, (1,2, {'foo' : 'bar'})) 0 >>> msgq.msgrcv(ID, 0) (1, 2, {'foo': 'bar'}) >>> msgq.msgctl(ID, msgq.IPC_STAT) {'msg_rtime': 1350377060, 'msg_lrpid': 19453, 'msg_lspid': 19453, 'msg_ctime': 1350377056, 'msg_qbytes': 16384, 'msg_perm': {'uid': 1000, 'cgid': 100, 'gid': 100, 'mode': 438, 'cuid': 1000, '__key': 704726339, '__seq': 56}, 'msg_qnum': 0, 'msg_stime': 1350377056} >>> msgq.msgctl(ID, msgq.IPC_RMID) 0
To build the extension issue:
$ python build
To install the extenstion issue:
$ python install
Good luck ...
--sral ([email protected])