To make DropBoxFileData work you will need a dropbox api key and a authorization token to get the api key you can go to this address when you have the api key you will need to generate an authorization token you can use this utility for that
To get the authorization token use the following command
BitFwks.DropBoxAuthGenerator.exe YourApiKey
Once you have the authorization token you need to add some parameters on the app/web.config as shown below
<!-- ... -->
<add key="DropBoxFileDataDefaultFolder" value="NameOfMyFolderOnDropBox"/>
<add key="DropboxAccessToken" value="MyDropboxAccessToken"/>
<!-- ... -->
Now you can declare a DropBoxFileData as any other persistent property
DropBoxFileData attachment;
public DropBoxFileData Attachment
get => attachment;
set => SetPropertyValue(nameof(Attachment), ref attachment, value);