Following two classes take care of Google cloud dataflow jobs
SFReferenceDataJob - Will fetch the reference data from SF (Oppurtunity) and populate bigQuery AdDataJob - Will fetch the raw data from GCS and SF reference data from bigquery. Enrich the data and populate bigQuery with the enriched data
This requires the following inputs
- Google cloud project
- Google cloud Staging location
- BigQuery output table
- SF UserId
- SF Password
On completion of the job, bigquery table SFDCReferenceData.SFRef will be populated with SF Reference data
This requires the following inputs
- Google cloud project
- Google cloud Staging location
- Ad Raw data (CSV)
- BigQuery Reference data table
- BigQuery output table
On completion of the job bigquery table SFDCReferenceData.EnrichedSample will be populated withenriched data.