This repository contains morphometric measures in the PAM50 anatomical dimensions computed from 203 healthy adult volunteers.
directory - CSV files of spinal cord morphometric measures
👉 Please cite this work if you use it or if you are inspired by it:
Valošek, Bédard et al., (2024). A database of the healthy human spinal cord morphometry in the PAM50 template space. Imaging Neuroscience, 2 1–15,
👉 For interactive figures, please visit the NeuroLibre preprint:
Valošek, Bédard et al., (2023). A database of the healthy human spinal cord morphometry in the PAM50 template space. NeuroLibre Reproducible Preprints, 17,
The repository is downloaded automatically during the SCT installation.
CSV files from this repository are used by the following SCT functions:
sct_process_segmentation -normalize-PAM50 1
, example:
sct_process_segmentation -i sub-001_T2w_label-SC_mask.nii.gz -vertfile sub-001_T2w_label-SC_mask_labeled.nii.gz -perslice 1 -normalize-PAM50 1 -o sub-001_T2w_metrics_PAM50.csv
sct_compute_compression -normalize-hc 1
, example:
sct_compute_compression -i sub-001_T2w_label-SC_mask.nii.gz -vertfile sub-001_T2w_label-SC_mask_labeled.nii.gz -l sub-001_T2w_label-compression.nii.gz -normalize-hc 1 -o sub-001_T2w_compression_metrics.csv
If you want to use the morphometric measures outside of SCT in your own research, you can simply download this repository and use the CSV files directly:
git clone
The CSV files were generated using, r20230222 script from the spine-generic/data-multi-subject, r20230223 dataset.
Spinal cord segmentation masks from derivatives/labels were used (files with the seg-manual.nii.gz
suffix). These masks were produced by sct_deepseg_sc
and manually corrected.
SCT v6.0 was used to compute the morphometric measures.