- Simon Pelletier
Due to BERNN has a lot of dependencies, so the easiest way to use it with your data is to use the Docker image using singularity
. To do so, follow these steps:
First, get the Docker image (should take ~5 to 10 minutes)
docker pull spel00/bernn:latest
Finally, use the Docker image with singularity. For example,
singularity exec docker://spel00/bernn:latest python bernn/dl/train/train_ae_classifier_holdout.py --device=cpu --dataset=custom --n_trials=20 --n_repeats=5 --exp_id=benchmark --path=data/benchmark --csv_file=intensities.csv --pool=0
singularity exec docker://spel00/bernn:latest python bernn/dl/train/train_ae_then_classifier_holdout.py --device=cpu --dataset=custom --n_trials=20 --n_repeats=5 --exp_id=benchmark --path=data/benchmark --csv_file=intensities.csv --pool=0
To run the examples above on GPU, you need to install the nvidia-container-toolkit
on your machine. On Debian/Ubuntu, install using the command apt-get install -y nvidia-container-toolkit
. You also need to add the option --nv
the command to the above commands. For example, the first singularity
command becomes:
singularity exec --nv docker://spel00/bernn:latest python bernn/dl/train/train_ae_classifier_holdout.py --device=cpu --dataset=custom --n_trials=20 --n_repeats=5 --exp_id=benchmark --path=data/benchmark --csv_file=intensities.csv --pool=0
The example above should take ~20 minutes per repetition to run on an Nvidia A100. Here their is 5 repeats per trial, so ~1h30 hour per trial (each trial is to test a new hyperparameters combination). Thus, for 20 trials it should take at least 1 day. The training time is highly dependent on the size of the dataset.
To use BERNN with your own dataset, replace --path=data
with the path to the data directory that contains the data, replace --csv_name=intensities.csv
with the name of the csv containing the data and replace --exp_id=benchmark
with a name for the experiment.
The csv format is specified in the section Custom experiments
All install steps should be done in the root directory of the project.
Everything should take only a few minutes to install,
though it could be longer depending on your internet connection.
The package was tested on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS with Python 3.10.11 and R 4.2.2.
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
The scripts should be run on a machine with a GPU that supports CUDA (which should be installed).
To verify that CUDA is installed, run the command nvidia-smi
on a terminal. If it is installed, the CUDA version shoud appear.
To verify that pyTorch is properly installed with CUDA support, run the
The main scripts for training models are located in src/dl/train.
Use train_ae_then_classifier_holdout.py
to train a model that freezes the autoencoder and DANN/revTriplet/invTriplet layers of the network after the warmup.
The labels classifier is then trained alone after the warmup. The models for the alzheimer dataset reach better
scores using this file.
Use train_ae_classifier_holdout.py
to keep training the autoencoder and
DANN/revTriplet/invTriplet layers of the network after the warmup.
The models for the datasets amide (adenocarcinoma) and mice
(AgingMice) reach better classification scores using this file.
Here are some commands to try the training scripts with only a few epochs. The number of warmup epochs is a tunable
hyperparameter, thus for a demo run it can be lowered directly in the training scripts, close to the end of the script.
Look for the where the class TrainAE is instantiated, the parameters are right after. By default, the number of warmup
epochs is between 10 and 250. For a demo run, it can be lowered to 1 and 10.
Each command runs 20 trials of 5 different splits of the data.
These are minimal examples. For more complete descriptions of the available arguments, see the section Arguments below.
In the root directory of the project, run the following commands:
python src\dl\train\train_ae_then_classifier_holdout.py --groupkfold=1 --embeddings_meta=2 --device=cuda:0 --n_epochs=10 --dataset=alzheimer --n_trials=20 --n_repeats=5 --exp_id=test_alzheimer1 --path=data/Alzheimer/
python src\dl\train\train_ae_classifier_holdout.py --groupkfold=1 --embeddings_meta=2 --device=cuda:0 --n_epochs=10 --dataset=alzheimer --n_trials=20 --n_repeats=5 --exp_id=test_alzheimer2 --path=data/Alzheimer/
In the root directory of the project, run the following command:
python src\dl\train\train_ae_then_classifier_holdout.py --groupkfold=1 --device=cuda:0 --dataset=amide --n_trials=20 --n_repeats=5 --exp_id=test_amide1 --path=data/
python src\dl\train\train_ae_classifier_holdout.py --groupkfold=1 --device=cuda:0 --dataset=amide --n_trials=20 --n_repeats=5 --exp_id=test_amide2 --path=data/
In the root directory of the project, run the following command:
python src\dl\train\train_ae_then_classifier_holdout.py --groupkfold=1 --device=cuda:0 --dataset=mice --n_trials=20 --n_repeats=5 --exp_id=test_mice1 --path=data/
python src\dl\train\train_ae_classifier_holdout.py --groupkfold=1 --device=cuda:0 --dataset=mice --n_trials=20 --n_repeats=5 --exp_id=test_mice2 --path=data/
In the root directory of the project, run the following command:
python src\dl\train\train_ae_then_classifier_holdout.py --groupkfold=1 --device=cuda:0 --dataset=custom --n_trials=20 --n_repeats=5 --exp_id=<NameOfExperiment> --path=<path/to/folderContainingCsvFile> --csv_name<csvFileName>
python src\dl\train\train_ae_classifier_holdout.py --groupkfold=1 --device=cuda:0 --dataset=custom --n_trials=20 --n_repeats=5 --exp_id=<NameOfExperiment> --path=<path/to/folderContainingCsvFile> --csv_name<csvFileName>
To reproduce the 3 experiments from the BERNN paper, use the two bash files (launch_train_ae_then_classifier_holdout_experiment.sh
). These files can only be run on Linux. The first script was used to train the models for the Alzheimer dataset and the second for the adenocarcinoma and AgingMice datasets.
These files can also be modified to run on any other csv files, given they follow the structure described in the next subsection () of this README file.
It was designed to run on two NVIDIA RTX 3090 GPUs of 24 GB each. If not enough GPU RAM available, modify the file to reduce the number of models trained simultaneously. The number of GPU can also be modified.
Each experiment might take a few days to run, depending on the size of the dataset. The results will be saved in the mlflow
To run with custom data, you need to change the parameter --dataset
to custom
and change --path
to the path
relative to this README
file. Alternatively, you can set it to the absolute path where the data is.
Your dataset must be:
- comma seperated (csv)
- Rows are samples
- Columns are features
- first column must be the sample IDs
- second column must be the labels
- third column must be the batch IDs
The main scripts for training models are located in src/dl/train.
On local machine terminal:
mlflow ui
Open in browser:
On server, use the command:
mlflow server --host=
Open in local browser:
Example of a mlflow user interface:
When clicking on the experiment's run name, a menu where the run id, parameters, metrics and images from multiple analysis can be found.
All results are also logged in the logs
folder, which is automatically created when the first results are generated. All results are stored either in logs/ae_classifier_holdout
or logs/ae_then_classifier_holdout
, depending on the training scenario. The ids of the files in which each run is stored can be found in mlflow
. To find it, first click on the experiment's name , then on the run's name (see 1st image of the example of the mlflow user interface). The run id can be found on the top of the page (see example 2nd image).
All runs logs can be accessed this way, be more conveniently, the results of the best run of each of BERNN's models are found in the logs/best_models
folder (see the image below).
The encs.csv
file contains the encoded values given by the encoder of the autoencoder. They are the values that are used for the classification neural network.
The rows are the samples and the columns are the learned features. Each row contains the results of a sample and the columns are the features, except for the first column which contains the samples names, the second column contains the batch numbers and the third contains the labels.
The recs.csv
file contains the reconstructed features from the trained model. The rows are the samples and the columns are the initial features. Please note that the features are corrected for batch effects, but might not be as accurate as the encoded values to train a classifier. They could be used for downstream analyses (e.g. for differential analysis), but some biological signal could be lost compared to the encoded features. Rather than using this approach, we recommend using the shap values to get the features importance for the classification task, even if classification is not the end goal of the experiment.
The rows are the samples and the columns are the learned features. Each row contains the results of a sample and the columns are the features, except for the first column which contains the samples names, the second column contains the batch numbers and the third contains the labels.
The shap
folder contains the values for the shap analysis. beeswarmp
contains contains the values used to get the beeswarm
plot, which contains the importance of each feature for the decision of each individual samples. OTHER ONE
contains the values for the overall importance of each features.
train_predictions.csv, etc contains the prediction scores for each of the samples. (TODO: Columns need to be defined)
the .pth
files contain the weights of each of the models trained. model_i
(where i
is the i'th model) are each of the final models. warmup.pth
is the unsupervised model learned during the warmup.
To make a summary of the results obtained in an experiment, use the command: python3 mlflow_eval_runs.py --exp_name <NameOfExperiment>
--dataset (str): ['custom', 'alzheimer', 'amide', 'mice']
--n_trials (int): Number of trials for the baeysian optimization of hyperparameters
--n_repeats (int): Number of repeats in the repetitive holdout
--exp_id (str): Name of the mlflow experiment
--device (str): Name of the device to use ['cuda:0', 'cuda:1', ...]
--use_mapping (bool): Use mapping of the batch ID into the decoder
--rec_loss (str): Reconstruction loss type ['l1', 'mse']
--variational (boolean): Use a variational autoencoder?
--groupkfold (boolean): Use group k-fold? With this command, all the
samples from the same batch will be in the same set. E.g. All samples from batch 1 will all be either in the training, validation or test set (https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.model_selection.GroupKFold.html)
--tied_weights (boolean): Use Autoencoders with tied weights?
--train_after_warmup (boolean): Indicates if the autoencoder is trained after warmup.
--dloss (str): Domain loss ['no', 'revTriplet', 'invTriplet', 'DANN', 'normae']
--early_stop (int): How many epochs the classifier is trained without improvement on the classification valid loss
--n_epochs (int): The number of epochs the classifier is trained.
--rec_loss (str): Which reconstruction loss to use ['l1', 'mse']
--csv_file (str): Name of the `.csv` file
The hyperparameters are optimized using Bayesian optimization. They are defined at the end of each train script, which are located in src/dl/train. The parameters are the following:
dropout (float): Number of neurons that are randomly dropped out.
0.0 <= thres < 1.0
smoothing (float): Label smoothing replaces one-hot encoded label vector
y_hot with a mixture of y_hot and the uniform distribution:
y_ls = (1 - α) * y_hot + α / K
margin (float): Margin for the triplet loss
gamma (float): Controls the importance given to the batches adversarial loss
beta (float): Controls the importance given to the Kullback-Leibler loss
nu (float): Controls the importance given to the classification loss
layer1 (int): The number of neurons the the first hidden layer of the encoder and the
last hidden layer of the decoder
layer2 (int): The number of neurons the the second hidden layer (Bottleneck)
ncols (int): Number of features to keep
lr (float): Model's optimization learning rate
wd (float): Weight decay value
scale (categorical): Choose between ['none', 'minmax', 'robust', 'standard', 'minmax_per_batch', 'robust_per_batch', 'standard_per_batch']