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Tree Formattar for Zig

  • Pretty prints out Zig Values for your debugging needs.
  • If you faces any issue with formatting, kindly open an issue.


  • Current main branch tracks zig latest version
  • If you need a stable version, see release tags


  • Provide a colored tree-like visual representation of a Zig value to aid in debugging.


  • Colored output to distinguish between types and values
  • Indentation to show the structure of the value
  • Special formatters for following types (Do file a PR or FR if you think there are more types that can require special formatting)
    • std.MultiArrayList
    • std.HashMapUnmanaged




  • You can run on of the examples in the examples by executing the following command:
zig build test -Dtest-filter="anon struct 1"
  • You might need to require to remove zig-cache to run it again without changes.


    .name = "your_package_name",
    .version = "0.0.1",
    .dependencies = .{
        .tree_fmt = .{
            // c6398b225f15cdbe35b3951920f634ffd1c65c12 is just commit hash
            .url = "",
            // just do `zig build`, get the error code and replace with expected hash
            .hash = "12201dceb9a9c2c9a6fc83105a7f408132b9ab69173b266e7df2af2c1dd6f814cd51",
    .paths = .{ "" },
  • build.zig
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
    // ...
    const dep = b.dependency("tree_fmt", .{});
    const tree_fmt = dep.module("tree-fmt");
    your_program.root_module.addImport("tree-fmt", tree_fmt);

Quick Setup

  • Fastest and easiest way to if you want to save time and effort.
  • This example is in example_default_tree_formatter.zig
var tree_formatter = @import("tree-fmt").defaultFormatter();

pub fn main() !void {
    const my_struct = .{ 1, 2.4, "hi" };
    try tree_formatter.format(my_struct, .{
        .name = "my_struct", // (optional) just an identifier to the root of the tree
  • Output:
some_anon_struct: tuple{comptime comptime_int = 1, comptime comptime_float = 2.4, comptime *const [2:0]u8 = "hi"}
├─.0: comptime_int => 1
├─.1: comptime_float => 2.4e+00
└─.2: *const [2:0]u8 @21d169
  └─.*: [2:0]u8 hi
    ├─[0]: u8 => 104
    └─[1]: u8 => 105

Proper Setup

  • This is recommended, as it gives you more control over writer, allocator and settings.
const std = @import("std");

// add imports here
const treeFormatter = @import("tree-fmt").treeFormatter;

pub fn main() !void {
    // initialize your allocator
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();
    defer {
        const leaked = gpa.deinit();
        if (leaked) {
            @panic("leaked memory!");

    // initialize a writer (
    // tips if you print a lot: wrap with to improve performance
    var w =;

    // initialize TreeFormatter with allocator and writer
    var tree_formatter = treeFormatter(allocator, w);

    // initialize your value
    var sentinel_array: [*:0]const u8 = "hello world";

    // call the method with writer and value
    try tree_formatter.formatValueWithId(sentinel_array, .{
        // .name = "sentinel_array", <-- example setting
        // you can find settings at @import("./src/tree_fmt.zig").TreeFormatterSettings;
        // you can also leave it blank to use default settings
  • Output:
sentinel_array: [*:0]const u8 @20a71e "hello world"
├─[0]: u8 => 104
├─[1]: u8 => 101
├─[2]: u8 => 108
├─[3]: u8 => 108
├─[4]: u8 => 111
├─[5]: u8 => 32
├─[6]: u8 => 119
├─[7]: u8 => 111
├─[8]: u8 => 114
├─[9]: u8 => 108
└─... (showed first 10 out of 11 items only)
  • You can find other examples in the examples directory. To run specific example(s):
    zig build test -Dtest-filter="name of test"
    # e.g. zig build test -Dtest-filter="anon struct 1"


  • std.ArrayList(u8)
.: array_list.ArrayListAligned(u8,null)
├─.items: []u8 @7efcc912f000
│ ├─[0]: u8 => 0
│ ├─[1]: u8 => 1
│ ├─[2]: u8 => 2
│ ├─[3]: u8 => 3
│ ├─[4]: u8 => 4
│ └─... (showed first 5 out of 100 items only)
├─.capacity: usize => 105
└─.allocator: mem.Allocator
  ├─.ptr: *anyopaque @7fffadc5b3d8
  └─.vtable: *const mem.Allocator.VTable @202a38
    └─.*: mem.Allocator.VTable
      ├─.alloc: *const fn(*anyopaque, usize, u8, usize) ?[*]u8 @238e00
      ├─.resize: *const fn(*anyopaque, []u8, u8, usize, usize) bool @2393c0
      └─.free: *const fn(*anyopaque, []u8, u8, usize) void @23a2d0
  • std.AutoHashMap(u8, u8)
map: hash_map.HashMap(u8,u8,hash_map.AutoContext(u8),80)
├─.unmanaged: hash_map.HashMapUnmanaged(u8,u8,hash_map.AutoContext(u8),80)
│ ├─.iterator()
│ │ ├─.next(): hash_map.HashMapUnmanaged(u8,u8,hash_map.AutoContext(u8),80).Entry
│ │ │ ├─.key_ptr: *u8 @7fcad47f5021
│ │ │ │ └─.*: u8 => 1
│ │ │ └─.value_ptr: *u8 @7fcad47f5029
│ │ │   └─.*: u8 => 2
│ │ ├─.next(): hash_map.HashMapUnmanaged(u8,u8,hash_map.AutoContext(u8),80).Entry
│ │ │ ├─.key_ptr: *u8 @7fcad47f5022
│ │ │ │ └─.*: u8 => 0
│ │ │ └─.value_ptr: *u8 @7fcad47f502a
│ │ │   └─.*: u8 => 0
│ │ └─.next(): hash_map.HashMapUnmanaged(u8,u8,hash_map.AutoContext(u8),80).Entry
│ │   ├─.key_ptr: *u8 @7fcad47f5026
│ │   │ └─.*: u8 => 2
│ │   └─.value_ptr: *u8 @7fcad47f502e
│ │     └─.*: u8 => 4
│ ├─.metadata: ?[*]hash_map.HashMapUnmanaged(u8,u8,hash_map.AutoContext(u8),80).Metadata
│ │ └─.?: [*]hash_map.HashMapUnmanaged(u8,u8,hash_map.AutoContext(u8),80).Metadata @7fcad47f5018
│ ├─.size: u32 => 3
│ └─.available: u32 => 3
├─.allocator: mem.Allocator
│ ├─.ptr: *anyopaque @7ffc3b6baca0
│ └─.vtable: *const mem.Allocator.VTable @2045b8
│   └─.*: mem.Allocator.VTable
│     ├─.alloc: *const fn(*anyopaque, usize, u8, usize) ?[*]u8 @2433a0
│     ├─.resize: *const fn(*anyopaque, []u8, u8, usize, usize) bool @243960
│     └─.free: *const fn(*anyopaque, []u8, u8, usize) void @244870
└─.ctx: hash_map.AutoContext(u8) => .{}
  • std.MultiArrayList... (see example_multi_array_list.zig)
multi_array_list: multi_array_list.MultiArrayList(example_multi_array_list.Person)
├─.slice(): multi_array_list.MultiArrayList(example_multi_array_list.Person).Slice
│ └─.items
│   ├─(.id): []u64 @7f8cf20c3000
│   │ ├─[0]: u64 => 0
│   │ ├─[1]: u64 => 1
│   │ ├─[2]: u64 => 2
│   │ ├─[3]: u64 => 3
│   │ ├─[4]: u64 => 4
│   │ └─... (showed first 5 out of 7 items only)
│   ├─(.age): []u8 @7f8cf20c3080
│   │ ├─[0]: u8 => 0
│   │ ├─[1]: u8 => 1
│   │ ├─[2]: u8 => 2
│   │ ├─[3]: u8 => 3
│   │ ├─[4]: u8 => 4
│   │ └─... (showed first 5 out of 7 items only)
│   └─(.car): []example_multi_array_list.Car @7f8cf20c3040
│     ├─[0]: example_multi_array_list.Car
│     │ └─.license_plate_no: u64 => 555
│     ├─[1]: example_multi_array_list.Car
│     │ └─.license_plate_no: u64 => 555
│     ├─[2]: example_multi_array_list.Car
│     │ └─.license_plate_no: u64 => 555
│     ├─[3]: example_multi_array_list.Car
│     │ └─.license_plate_no: u64 => 555
│     ├─[4]: example_multi_array_list.Car
│     │ └─.license_plate_no: u64 => 555
│     └─... (showed first 5 out of 7 items only)
│ ├─(0): example_multi_array_list.Person
│ │ ├─.id: u64 => 0
│ │ ├─.age: u8 => 0
│ │ └─.car: example_multi_array_list.Car
│ │   └─.license_plate_no: u64 => 555
│ ├─(1): example_multi_array_list.Person
│ │ ├─.id: u64 => 1
│ │ ├─.age: u8 => 1
│ │ └─.car: example_multi_array_list.Car
│ │   └─.license_plate_no: u64 => 555
│ ├─(2): example_multi_array_list.Person
│ │ ├─.id: u64 => 2
│ │ ├─.age: u8 => 2
│ │ └─.car: example_multi_array_list.Car
│ │   └─.license_plate_no: u64 => 555
│ ├─(3): example_multi_array_list.Person
│ │ ├─.id: u64 => 3
│ │ ├─.age: u8 => 3
│ │ └─.car: example_multi_array_list.Car
│ │   └─.license_plate_no: u64 => 555
│ └─... (showed first 4 out of 7 items only)
├─.bytes: [*]align(8) u8 @7f8cf20c3000
├─.len: usize => 7
└─.capacity: usize => 8
  • multi_array_list.MultiArrayList(zig.Ast.TokenList__struct_4206).Slice
ast: multi_array_list.MultiArrayList(zig.Ast.TokenList__struct_4200).Slice
├─.toMultiArrayList(): multi_array_list.MultiArrayList(zig.Ast.TokenList__struct_4200)
│ ├─.slice(): multi_array_list.MultiArrayList(zig.Ast.TokenList__struct_4200).Slice
│ │ └─.items
│ │   ├─(.tag): []zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag @7ff3c81f7098
│ │   │ ├─[0]: zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag => zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag.keyword_const (86)
│ │   │ ├─[1]: zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag => zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag.identifier (2)
│ │   │ ├─[2]: zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag => zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag.equal (12)
│ │   │ ├─[3]: zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag => zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag.builtin (7)
│ │   │ ├─[4]: zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag => zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag.l_paren (16)
│ │   │ └─... (showed first 5 out of 31 items only)
│ │   └─(.start): []u32 @7ff3c81f7000
│ │     ├─[0]: u32 => 1
│ │     ├─[1]: u32 => 7
│ │     ├─[2]: u32 => 11
│ │     ├─[3]: u32 => 13
│ │     ├─[4]: u32 => 20
│ │     └─... (showed first 5 out of 31 items only)
│ ├─.get
│ │ ├─(0): zig.Ast.TokenList__struct_4200
│ │ │ ├─.tag: zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag => zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag.keyword_const (86)
│ │ │ └─.start: u32 => 1
│ │ ├─(1): zig.Ast.TokenList__struct_4200
│ │ │ ├─.tag: zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag => zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag.identifier (2)
│ │ │ └─.start: u32 => 7
│ │ ├─(2): zig.Ast.TokenList__struct_4200
│ │ │ ├─.tag: zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag => zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag.equal (12)
│ │ │ └─.start: u32 => 11
│ │ ├─(3): zig.Ast.TokenList__struct_4200
│ │ │ ├─.tag: zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag => zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag.builtin (7)
│ │ │ └─.start: u32 => 13
│ │ ├─(4): zig.Ast.TokenList__struct_4200
│ │ │ ├─.tag: zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag => zig.tokenizer.Token.Tag.l_paren (16)
│ │ │ └─.start: u32 => 20
│ │ └─... (showed first 5 out of 31 items only)
│ ├─.bytes: [*]align(4) u8 @7ff3c81f7000
│ ├─.len: usize => 31
│ └─.capacity: usize => 38
├─.ptrs: [2][*]u8
│ ├─[0]: [*]u8 @7ff3c81f7098
│ └─[1]: [*]u8 @7ff3c81f7000
├─.len: usize => 31
└─.capacity: usize => 38


Tree-like pretty formatter for Zig








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