SpecStory is a Visual Studio Code extension for the Cursor IDE. It is tested and confirmed to work for Cursor Version: 0.43.6
and later.
We make it easy to capture, search and learn from every AI coding journey. When enabled, SpecStory automatically saves every Cursor chat and composer session to your local project's .specstory
To learn more, check out our website and read the docs.
Note: This extension only works with the Cursor fork of Visual Studio Code.
Installing the extension directly from the VSC Marketplace will install it into VSC, and not into Cursor.
Instead, to install SpecStory into Cursor:
- Download the VSIX file directly from our release bucket: specstory-vscode-latest.vsix
- Next, open the Command Palette (CMD/Ctrl-Shift-P) and choose
Extensions: Install from VSIX…
- Select the VSIX file that you downloaded above
- Verify that "SpecStory (Cursor Extension)" appears in Extensions sidebar
2️⃣ Take a quick spin through our docs, they explain installation details in more depth.
3️⃣ Love the extension? Help others discover their AI assistant's memory upgrade by dropping a quick review! 🧠
The extension is in rapid, active development.
- If you're not on
Cursor Version: 0.43.6
or later you might experience errors due to the way versions of Cursor prior to0.43.5
stored chat and composer data that have since changed.
We are actively monitoring this repo. Please use it to file bugs and feature enhancements. We'd love to hear from you!
We welcome edits and contribution to our documentation. Just issue a pull request against our docs repo.