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SPEcification, Analysis & Re-calibration of High Energy pArticle Data


SPEcification, Analysis & Re-calibration of High Energy pArticle Data (SPEARHEAD) is an EU-funded project that through a detailed analysis of very high-energy particle observations from the most important heliophysics missions combined with ground based measurements aims to answer three science questions:

  1. How are protons accelerated beyond 100 MeV and electrons beyond 1 MeV in solar eruptions?
  2. What are the release times and spectral characteristics of near-relativistic particles from solar eruptions?
  3. How do coronal and interplanetary structures affect the transport processes of very high energetic particles?

To enable the scientific data analysis, SPEARHEAD has three technical objectives:

  1. Determining the response functions of a large number of spacecraft instruments to derive high-energy particle fluxes from observations at unprecedented accuracy releasing revised and completely new datasets
  2. Performing cross-calibration of datasets measured by science-grade and monitoring instruments to enable the use of monitoring data for scientific analyses
  3. Combining high-energy particle and context observations together with modeling of plasma structures for easier in-depth analysis of solar eruptions, quantifying their effect and delivering them to the community

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No 101135044. This website reflects only the authors’ view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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  1. bowtie bowtie Public

    Bow-tie analysis for the energy channels of a generic particle instrument

    Jupyter Notebook 1 2

  2. FDAT FDAT Public

    Forbush Decrease Analysis Tool


  3. G4VM G4VM Public

    GEANT4 Virtual Machine for simulations of SOHO/Chandra EPHIN and Solar Orbiter HET

    Makefile 1

  4. VDA VDA Public

    Velocity Dispersion Analysis (VDA) of Solar Energetic Particle events

    Jupyter Notebook


Showing 5 of 5 repositories
  • bowtie Public

    Bow-tie analysis for the energy channels of a generic particle instrument

    spearhead-he/bowtie’s past year of commit activity
    Jupyter Notebook 1 BSD-3-Clause 2 1 1 Updated Feb 27, 2025
  • VDA Public

    Velocity Dispersion Analysis (VDA) of Solar Energetic Particle events

    spearhead-he/VDA’s past year of commit activity
    Jupyter Notebook 0 BSD-3-Clause 0 0 0 Updated Feb 7, 2025
  • FDAT Public

    Forbush Decrease Analysis Tool

    spearhead-he/FDAT’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 0 0 0 Updated Jan 20, 2025
  • G4VM Public

    GEANT4 Virtual Machine for simulations of SOHO/Chandra EPHIN and Solar Orbiter HET

    spearhead-he/G4VM’s past year of commit activity
    Makefile 1 0 0 0 Updated Dec 22, 2024
  • .github Public
    spearhead-he/.github’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated Dec 12, 2024

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