This website was created using Jekyll and hosted using GitHub Pages.
The source can be found at
Additions/corrections/suggestions are welcome.
- Make sure to install Jekyll on your computer using the instructions provided on their website.
- In the Terminal, run this command to check if Jekyll is installed. It is recommended to install v4.1.1 and above.
jekyll -v
- Clone the OpenC2 Website repo to your computer.
jekyll serve
jekyll serve
creates a folder called_site
under the
. Jekyll uses this folder content to serve the website locally. The folder_site
should not be checked into the repository. -
Browse the website by going to this URL. Make sure to stop the server and run again each time a change is made to the
+-- _includes
| -- footer.html # Contains code to include Back to Top button and JavaScript used in this website.
| -- header.html # Contains code to include Stylesheets used in this website.
| -- navbar.html # Contains code to display top level and mobile navigation including website search.
+-- _layouts
| -- default.html # Contains HTML and Jekyll code to implement a re-usable page layout. (Used for index.html)
| -- page.html # Imports the layout used for default.html and adds extra layout to present inner HTML pages.
+-- _sass
| +-- main.scss # Contains re-usable SASS properties for the website.
+-- assets
| +-- css
| -- main.scss # Imports the re-usable SASS properties for the website.
| -- style.css # Contains CSS for each section of the website.
| +-- img
| +-- js
| -- main.js # Contains JavaScript used for this website.
| +-- vendor
| +-- animate.css # Supports Basic animations like Fade up, Fade Down etc.
| +-- aos # To animate HTML elements when a user slides down a page.
| +-- bootstrap
| +-- boxicons
| +-- icofont
| +-- jquery-sticky
| +-- jquery.easing
| +-- jquery
+-- content
| +-- homepage
| +-- carousel
| -- slide1.html # HTML imported for First Slide of the Carousel in index.html
| -- slide2.html # HTML imported for Second Slide of the Carousel in index.html
| -- slide3.html # HTML imported for Third Slide of the Carousel in index.html
| -- slide4.html # HTML imported for Fourth Slide of the Carousel in index.html
| -- # Markdown imported in "Current CyberDefense" paragraph in index.html
| -- # Markdown imported in "OpenC2 for Defense in Cyber-Relevant Time" paragraph in index.html
| -- # Markdown imported in "How can OpenC2 help?" paragraph in index.html
| -- # Markdown imported in "Vision" paragraph in index.html
+-- vectors
| -- # Original illustration for the picture used in "Current CyberDefense".
| -- # Original illustration for the picture used in "OpenC2 for Defense in Cyber-Relevant Time".
| -- # Original illustration for the picture used in "How can OpenC2 help?" part of the homepage.
| -- # Original illustration for the picture used in "Vision" part of the homepage.
+-- _site # Folder generated locally when jekyll serve is run. This should not be checked in to the repo.
-- 404.html # Invalid URLs point to this page.
-- CNAME # Contains Domain name of the OpenC2 website.
-- _config.yml # Jekyll configuration for this website. Requires Server Restart each time it's changed.
-- contact.html #
-- faq.html # Frequently asked Questions
-- favicon.ico
-- index.html # HomePage of this website.
-- joinus.html # Join Us
-- news.html # OpenC2 in the News
-- oasis.html # What is OASIS?
-- openc2.html # About this Website
-- opensource.html # Opensource Software
-- otc.html # OASIS OpenC2 Technical Committee
-- otherdocumentation.html # Other Documentation
-- # Documentation on how to use/contribute to this website
-- specifications.html # Specifications
is the homepage and it uses Bootstrap Carousel. Please refer to it's documentation to learn more about it.
To add a new slide to the carousel, create a HTML content file in content/homepage/carousel
folder similar to other slide-*.html
Open index.html
and add the HTML code inside the carousel-inner
section to reflect the following change.
<!-- Slide 5 -->
<div class="carousel-item">
<div class="carousel-container">
<div class="carousel-content container">
<!-- Include slide5.html using Jekyll's include_relative tag.
See here for more info:
To remove unwanted slides, delete the HTML code and content file for the unused slide.
is the page where a timeline is present.
To add or remove cards in the timeline, Open news.html
and find the date you would like to insert a new card and copy paste this HTML. Please make sure to change the Date and Link as necessary.
<div class="timecard" data-aos="fade-up">
<div class="content">
<h6>March 06, 2020</h6>. <!-- This section has the date of the entry -->
<p> <!-- This section has the content of the entry -->
<a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" href="">
Making IoT safer with BEAM OTP
Pull requests are welcome. To request changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.