Wireless Remote | Assembled RedBot |
Example code using the wireless remote controller (SAMD21) to control the SparkFun RedBot (ATmega328P) via XBee. A character is pipelined between two serial UARTs using a pair of XBee Series 1 Transcievers. Make sure to use software serial example code for the RedBot to avoid bricking your XBee. This expands on SparkFun Inventor's Kit for RedBot.
- /Firmware - Example code
- Library - Arduino library for the RedBot mainboard.
- Project Guide - Project guide.
Digi Tutorial: XBee 802.15.4 (i.e. Wireless Serial)
Master XBee (Transmitting, Controller)
- CH = C
- ID = 3333
- DH = 0
- DL = 1
- MY = 0
Slave XBee (Receiving, RedBot)
- CH = C
- ID = 3333
- DH = 0
- DL = 0 <- point to Master "MY"
- MY = 1 <- Slave "MY", make it unique in the network.
- ROB-13166 - Basic RedBot Kit
- ROB-12649 - RedBot Experiment Kit
- KIT-14051 - Wireless Joystick Kit
- WRL-15126 - XBee Series 3 Configured for Series 1 Firmware
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Please review the LICENSE.md file for license information.
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Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
- Your friends at SparkFun.