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Mbo.jl - Multimode Brownian Oscillator

Semiclassical modeling of non-linear spectra in the time domain using the Multimode Brownian Oscillator model. Designed for the modeling of 2D visible spectra. Hopefully fast.


This code aims to put the modeling of the 2D spectra of simple model systems within reach of the humble experimental spectroscopist. It is a toolkit built around the spectroscopic system: the user specifies state energies, transition dipole moments and lineshape functions. The linear and non-linear responses can then be conveniently calculated from the system object.

For example:

# build a system. It's still a bit tedious, but that's where the thinking happens.
using Mbo
s = System("g") # use "g" as a ground state
# Add a state of energy of state "e" is 1.5 eV, which we need to convert
# to angular PHz
energy!(s, "e", ev2angphz(1.5))  
# Set transition dipole moment of the g->e transition
dipole!(s, "g", "e", 1.0)

# Define a lineshape functions. Here, 0.02 t + (0.02 t)^2/2
# Most common cases are supplied. 
ls(t) = ev2angphz(0.02)*t + 0.5*(ev2angphz(0.02)*t)^2
# Set the function `ls(t)` as the lineshape for the e-e response.
lineshape!(s, "e", "e", ls)

# calculation grid, in fs. tedious bookkeeping done by the code.
tg = TimeGrid(0.0:100, 0.0:100, 0.0:100)
lin = linear(tg, s) # linear response
rr = R2(tg, s) + R3(tg, s) # rephasing
rn = R1(tg, s) + R4(tg, s) # non-rephasing
# Go ahead and process to your wishes.

The example above uses hand-coded constants, but you are free to use any input or output format you desire. Same goes for lineshape functions: they can be defined arbitrarily using the programming language (some common forms are predefined). This allows for flexibility: the system's parameters can equally be hard coded, read from a file, or computed from ancillary algorithms (for example, diagonalizing a site basis to an exciton basis). Julia can call code written in C, Fortran and python.

The best way to get started using the code for modeling is to look at supplied examples. See the /examples/ folder and the Examples section below.


This packages uses the julia programming language. You'll need it, but it is easy to install.

Julia is an open-source language. It aims to provide clear syntax, similar to Matlab or python while providing performance typical of compiled languages such as Fortran or C. Hopefully, the language is easy to pick up for anyone familiar with any of these. Julia is available for Windows, Mac, Linux. Get it from here.

Once julia is installed, open julia and type:

julia> ]


@v1.10 pkg> add

If you get an error regarding version of git, try to run julia after deactivating all your conda envs. If you run into issues, please file an issue in github using the Issues tab above.

The initial version of this code (up to Mbo.jl v1.0) was written for julia v0.6, which was never intended for long-term support. The current version of Mbo.jl has been updated to work with julia v1.10. For upgrading your scripts, see the migration guide. There really isn't much to do.


The main element of this package is the System object, which contains all the physical parameters of the system under study. Using the cumulant expansion, this means state energies, transition dipole moments and lineshape functions.


The third order response is calculated using the Cumulant expansion to second order. This method is briefly presented here. For details, refer to the books by Mukamel and Cho.

The calculation of 2D spectra is carried out using the 4-point correlation function of the transition dipole moments. The 4-point correlation function has 4 time arguments, whose permutations give rise to the more commonly discussed double-sided Feynman diagrams.

When multiple states are involved, different transition dipole operators can be involved in the third order response, and thus in the 4-point correlation function. A given combination of 4 transition dipole operator take the system through up to 4 spectroscopically coupled states. The path the system takes through its manifold of states is called here a Hilbert Path. As previously mentionned, each of these Hilbert paths gives rise to 4 double-sided Feynmann diagrams.

The calculation of the third order response is tedious: a given third order response function requires 3 time arguments, 3 frequencies, 6 lineshape functions and 4 transition dipoles. This has to be repeated for every possible path the system can take in Hilbert space. For N states (+ a single ground state), there are around N^2 such paths. This tedium is taken care of using the System and HilbertPath objects. Handling of the time arguments is simplified using the TimeGrid object.

The equations for third order responses R1 to R4 were taken from the book by Cho, eq 5.26-5.31. These equations take the fluctuating ground state as a reference energy. The lineshape functions are from the fluctuations of the energies of the states (not the energy gaps). As a consequence, fluctuations of the ground state are always 0. The code is currently limited to a single ground state and real transition dipoles (there are likely simple fixes for this).


The attributes of the system are set and read using functions. Functions that modify the System object end with ! (this is purely a julia convention, ! has no special meaning). States are indexed by case-sensitive strings. You can use "G", "X1", "S+3/2L", as you wish.

Setting and reading state energies and transition dipoles is rather straightforward. No implicit unit conversions are made, it's up to the user to ensure the proper units are supplied. The code expects energies to be supplied as angular frequencies, inverse of your time units. If you use a time grid in fs, you should supply energies in angular PHz.

using Mbo
# use "g" as a ground state with energy 0
s = System("g")
@assert "g" in states(s) # use the @assert macro for simple tests
@assert energy(s, "g") == 0
# set energies in angular frequencies, inverse of your time axis (PHz for fs)
energy!(s, "x1", 1.2) # x1 has ω = 1.2 ang PHz
energy!(s, "x2", 1.4) # x2 has ω = 1.4 ang PHz
# read energies:
@assert energy(s, "x2")-energy(s, "x1") == 1.4-1.2
@assert length(states(s)) == 3
# set transition dipole momments.
dipole!(s, "g", "x1", 1.0) # this sets both g->x1 and x1->g
dipole!(s, "g", "x2", 1.5)
# IMPORTANT: if nonzero, the x1->x2 transition will be part of the calculation
dipole!(s, "x1", "x2", 0)
# read transition dipole
@assert dipole(s, "g", "x1") == dipole(s, "x1", "g")

Lineshape functions are handled similarly. You can supply any object callable with a single argument. This can be a function (f below), an anonymous function (in Julia: t -> 0.3*t) or a callable object (interpolation, integrator, ...). In order to improve performance, you can use a look-up table (LineshapeLUT) object to cache the value of the lineshape function. See examples.

# set lineshape functions
f(t) = 0.1*t
lineshape!(s, "x1", "x1", f) # accept any callable.
lineshape!(s, "x2", "x2", t->g_homo(t, 0.1)) # anonymous function
lineshape!(s, "x1", "x2", zero) # uncorrelated.
lineshape!(s, "x2", "x1", zero) # uncorrelated.
# read lineshape function
@assert lineshape(s, "x1", "x1") === f

The TimeGrid object defines the domain of calculation. By default, the calculation is performed automatically for all points of the grid and for all paths.

t1=0:20.0 # 0 to 20 included in steps of 1.0
t2=0:10.0:100.0 # 0 to 100 included in steps of 10.0
tg = TimeGrid(t1, t2, t3)
# compute everyting
rtot = R1(tg, s) + R2(tg, s) + R3(tg, s) + R4(tg, s)

Alternatively, you can generate Hilbert paths and limit the calculation to a subset of paths.

hpaths = collect(hilbert_paths(s, 3)) # third order hilbert paths
@assert length(hpaths) == 4 # 4 paths x 4 reponses -> 16 Feynmann diagrams.
# compute for a specific path, pick the first.
p = hpaths[1]
r1 = R1(tg, s, p)

The same System and TimeGrid can be used to compute the linear reponse.

rlin = linear(tg, s) # uses the first time delay
lin_paths = collect(hilbert_paths(s, 1))
lin_resp = [linear(tg, s, p) for p=lin_paths] # individual contributions.
@assert all(rlin .== sum(lin_resp))


Currently supported:

  • Linear response in the time domain.
  • Third order response.
  • Set energies, transition dipoles (real only) and lineshape functions.
  • Computation for all pathways, or a subset.
  • Arbitrary callables for lineshape functions.
  • Built-in lineshapes: Homogeneous, Inhomogeneous, Huang-Rhys, Kubo ansatz and variations thereof.
  • Lineshape functions from correlation functions.
  • Caching lineshape functions for improved performance.
  • Unit conversion: eV -> angular PHz (not automatic.)
  • IO using julia: delimited files, YAML, binary, memory-mapped.

Works, but deserve improvement:

  • Rotating frames.
  • Lineshapes from spectral densities.
  • Filtering of pathways.


If you found this useful, please consider citing the following paper:

S. Palato, H. Seiler, P. Nijjar, O. Prezhdo, P. Kambhampati, Atomic fluctuations in electronic materials revealed by dephasing, PNAS (2020)


Examples are located in the examples/ directory. The parameters of the calculations (energies, lineshape parameters) are stored in a separate .yaml config file. Plotting is carried out separately from the main calculation, see Scripts.

  • basic: Simple two-level system. Basic functionnality, plotting in julia and python.
  • vibrational: Two-level system coupled to a coherent phonon without damping.
  • electronic: Three-level system (two singly excited states) demonstrating electronic coherences.
  • induced absorption: Three-level system featuring a doubly excited state.


Some examples use external scripts for pre or post processing (eg: plotting in Julia still requires work). As such, some examples are not fully self contained and can involve scripts written in python, julia and powershell. These scripts can be found in the examples/ directory.

  • plot_linear.jl: plot linear response (time and frequency domain) in julia;
  • plot linear response in python;
  • plot_2d.jl: plot 3rd order response (t,t,t and f,t,f) in julia;
  • plot 3rd order response (t,t,t and f,t,f) in python.

Example plotting scripts are supplied for julia and python. Plotting in julia requires a few extra packages, listed in examples/julia_requires. Plotting in python requires numpy and matplotlib, see examples/python_requirements.txt.


Please open an issue using the 'Issues' tab at the top. You found a bug? You can't achieve what you want? Lost and confused? Maybe we can help (maybe not).


  • Update python scripts to remove deprecation warnings
  • Tidy up python dependencies
  • Tidy up julia dependencies


  1. Cho, M. Two-dimensional optical spectroscopy. (CRC Press, 2009).
  2. Mukamel, S. Principles of nonlinear optical spectroscopy. (Oxford University Press, 1995).
  3. Hamm, P. & Zanni, M. Concepts and methods of 2D infrared spectroscopy. (Cambridge University Press, 2011).