This section shows mode indicator only when Vi-mode is enabled.
You need to source this plugin somewhere in your dotfiles. Here's how to do it with some popular tools:
Execute this command to clone this repo into Oh-My-Zsh plugin's folder:
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/spaceship-vi-mode
Include spaceship-vi-mode
in Oh-My-Zsh plugins list:
plugins=($plugins spaceship-vi-mode)
Note: For oh-my-zsh users with vi-mode plugin enabled: Add export RPS1="%{$reset_color%}"
before source $ZSH/
in .zshrc
to disable default <<<
NORMAL mode indicator in right prompt.
zplug "spaceship-prompt/spaceship-vi-mode"
antigen bundle spaceship-prompt/spaceship-vi-mode@main
antibody bundle "spaceship-prompt/spaceship-vi-mode"
zinit light "spaceship-prompt/spaceship-vi-mode"
zgen load "spaceship-prompt/spaceship-vi-mode"
github = "spaceship-prompt/spaceship-vi-mode"
If none of the above methods works for you, you can install Spaceship manually.
- Clone this repo somewhere, for example to
. - Source this section in your
mkdir -p "$HOME/.zsh"
git clone --depth=1 "$HOME/.zsh/spaceship-vi-mode"
For initializing prompt system add this to your .zshrc
source "~/.zsh/spaceship-vi-mode/spaceship-vi-mode.plugin.zsh"
After installing, add the following line to your .zshrc
in order to include Ember section in the prompt:
# to include after line break
spaceship add --after line_sep vi_mode
# or
# to include after prompt char
spaceship add --before char vi_mode
Variable | Default | Meaning |
true |
Show section |
- | Section's prefix |
Section's suffix |
[I] |
Text to be shown when in insert mode |
[N] |
Text to be shown when in normal mode |
white |
Sectin's color |
You can temporarily enable or disable vi-mode with handy functions (just execute them in terminal as any other regular command):
Function | Meaning |
spaceship_vi_mode_enable |
Enable vi-mode for current terminal session |
spaceship_vi_mode_disable |
Disable vi-mode for current terminal session |
Note: If the prompt does not refresh when changing modes add eval spaceship_vi_mode_enable
to your .zshrc
. Beware that spaceship_vi_mode_enable
will override thezle-keymap-select
widget, so if you have a custom one just make sure it contains the line zle reset-prompt ; zle -R
First, thanks for your interest in contributing!
Contribute to this repo by submitting a pull request. Please use conventional commits, since this project adheres to semver and is automatically released via semantic-release.
MIT © Denys Dovhan