Simple and minimalistic lua neovim config from 2023 for elixir efficient development, mostly commented and separated by files.
$ cd ~/.config
$ git clone [email protected]:sovetnik/nvim.git
Open VIM two times after that:
- to install all plugins
- to install treesitter parsers
:TSInstall elixir or any of :TSInstallInfo
Create .tool-versions (elixir 15.x currently unsupported by LS, so choose 14.5) $ asdf install $ brew install elixir-ls
Add the ruby-lsp & rubocop via asdf $ asdf exec gem install ruby-lsp rubocop
$ brew install ripgrep
Autoupdate on enter VIM
Provided by nvim-cmp
- next suggestion
- prev suggestion
- complete with first or selected item
Provided by vim.lsp.buf.format()
toggles the tree
Open or close the tree. Takes an optional path argument.
Open the tree if it is closed, and then focus on the tree.
Move the cursor in the tree for the current buffer, opening folders if needed.
Collapses the nvim-tree recursively.
- from open bufers
- find files
- grep
- Open Neogit
- Show diff of hunk under cursor
or :Gitsigns preview_hunk_inline
Show list of changes in QF list
:Gitsigns setqflist
or click gitstats
Also hunk navigation
- next_hunk
- prev_hunk
And stage / unstage functions
:Gitsigns stage_buffer
:Gitsigns stage_hunk
:h map ;h
- Switches between code and test,
opens alternate in vertiocal split if not yet
and prompts for creating if alternate files not found
- Git hunks of buffer in LocList
- Diagnostics info of buffer in LocList
- Close LocList
- Close QuickFix
- Neotest result panel toggle (list like qiuckfix)
- Neotest watch file toggle (run tests)
- Neotest summary toggle (test tree view)
- Swap buffers
Signature help on cursor when edit caller
Shows git diff, attached language server and warns count (open qiuckfix on click)
will show all mappings
It strongly recommended to read all readme for plugins in lua/plugins.lua