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Seisa means scrutiny in Japanese. Keep scrutiny over your finances.


ARCHIVED I got bored. 😔

Why did i build this?

  • If you're not from india, we do a lot, like a lot of daily expenses digitally through UPI.
  • I like to spend, but I also like to know how and where I spend.
  • Right now I keep track of finances or it's automatically done via axio.
  • TBH, this is one of the best written software I've ever used. It's all automatic and works quite well.
  • And there is enough flexibility to manage transactions. Like we can change date, categorize, add notes, etc.
  • But it's a little out of context, i.e. because it's automatic, transaction descriptions and meta info is not always accurate.
  • And because it's "AUTOMATIC", I don't want to go and change tracked transactions. I mean that defeats the whole purpose right ?
  • Then, If I'm going to track and put info by myself, why not make the whole process manual.
  • But I also don't want to do it in a spreadsheet. That's too much work.
  • So I thought, why not build a simple ledger, that has tailored UI to commit expenses fast.

What do I expect from the app ?

  • Privacy and Speed, The app should store all data in my device. And it should open/close fast.
  • Simple, I don't want BS. Like It should be one time setup and then just commit expenses.
  • I want to be able to commit expenses fast, like really fast. I mean I open it, I add expense, short note and that's it.
  • I also want a place to analyze my expenses. Like how much I spent on food, travel, etc. charts, graphs, etc.
  • I want to be able to export my data, like in CSV or something.
  • instead of putting proper meta, I should have tags, where I can choose some tags and commit.
  • I may want to sync data across devices, but that's not a priority. Axio doesn't do it, and I'm fine with it.
  • I should be able to see monthly allowance. Let's say I choose 30k monthly. I want to see how much I've spent and how much is left.
  • I should be able to see how much I've spent on a particular day, week, month, year, etc.
  • There should be all shorts of views, e.g. how much spent on a tag, how much spent on a tag in a month, etc.

High level design

  • App has 4 basic constructs. Check Schema for more details.
    • Account
    • Income
    • Expense
    • Transaction
  • When users onboard
    • Setup account
    • Setup income
    • Setup expense
  • Once all setup, user can start committing transactions

For more details see

High level impl.

  • Data
    • Data is stored as a SQLite3 DB in user's device.
    • It uses something called Origin Private File System (OPFS) to store the DB.
    • The thing about OPFS is it's not exposed to user. i.e. you can't modify it from devtools.
    • This way data never leaves user's device.
  • Data handling
    • Data is queried and mutated via kysely
  • UI
    • Vue is my first love. It's simple and fast.
    • All data that comes from DB is stored in a massive reactive store. I tried to follow Mobx store pattern.
    • The store is deep reactive. So this way each data point or object can be expressed via a model. Then updating the model will update all of it's references.
  • Distribution
    • Bundled with Vite.
    • App is a PWA. So it can be installed on any device. and it's offline first.
    • You literally just need to be online to get app updates. that's it.

For more details

Tech decisions

  • Why so complicated data setup? A normal LocalStorage based setup would've been enough.
    • The issue with LocalStorage or IndexedDB is that it's open. i.e. you can modify it from devtools.
    • Also JSON based data is faster to read but harder to query, modify and put relations.
    • i.e. with a relational DB, you can filter with various conditions, you can join tables, etc. much easily with a good query builder. see Kysely.
    • Also, I wanted to try out OPFS. It's a new thing and I wanted to see how it works.