JavaScript implementation of Philip J. Schneider's "Algorithm for Automatically Fitting Digitized Curves" from the book "Graphics Gems". Converted from Python implementation.
Fit one or more cubic Bezier curves to a polyline. Works with 2D and 3D curves (and should work for higher dimensions too).
This is a JS implementation of Philip J. Schneider's C code. The original C code is available on as well as in
npm install --save fit-curve
var fitCurve = require('fit-curve');
var points = [[0, 0], [10, 10], [10, 0], [20, 0]];
var error = 50; // The smaller the number - the much closer spline should be
var bezierCurves = fitCurve(points, error);
// bezierCurves[0] === [[0, 0], [20.27317402, 20.27317402], [-1.24665147, 0], [20, 0]]
// where each element is [x, y] and elements are [first-point, control-point-1, control-point-2, second-point]
You can play around with that in this demo.
- Expose fitCubic, createTangent & add TypeScript declaration
- Bug fix #24.
- Bug fix #13. Use compiled (ES2015) version as main entry point.
npm install
- builds transpiled and minified versions into /lib
npm test
- runs tests