The most pragmatic ZSH-theme derived some day from rkj-repos. Better looks with Fira Code, the most pragmatic font for input and code.
Consistent colors designed with dark-first approach
The colors do not conflict in most existing color schemes.
Meaningful design
The general "Kotterstep" design is:
prompt: component [separator component] hint
component: \[content\]
separator: -
hint: content
The current implementation is:
+-decoration-+ +-separator-+
| |
| +-username@hostname-+ | +-path-component-+ +-timestamp-component-+
| | | | |
┌─[sorenvonsarvort@kathode] - [~/Projects/kotterstep-zsh-theme] - [2019-01-18 06:17:50]
└─[130] master* cat /dev/null
| | |
| | +-user-input-+
| |
| +-version-hint-+
Q: Why decorations in pragmatic theme?
A: Okay, historical reasons. Will be removed some day.
Q: What is the hint?
A: Hint is an optional prompt element that shows up when it is needed. For example, when You open a git repo directory, You can see the branch name. When the branch name is not available - You can see the reference.
Q: Why two lines?
A: It is a modern trend and a way for providing more space for the user's input.
Q: What else is used in the screenshot?