This grunt init script builds a scaffold for a Society Pro Component.
Setup grunt and grunt-init:
$ npm install -g grunt grunt-init
Be in Git Bash so ~ works:
$ git clone ~/.grunt-init/sopro-component
$ cd my-sweet-component
$ grunt-init sopro-component
$ cd src
$ npm install
- Check for non-empty directory and warn of overwrites
- Prompt:
- component name, human readible title, description
- repo url (default to sopro-components/*)
- wanna autocompile jade and sass?
- wanna add sopro-material?
- wanna add japi?
- wanna add Roboto, angular, angular-material, angular-animate?
- wanna add jquery?
- Generate custom Gruntfile
- Copy custom Gruntfile
- Copy template skeleton
- Tell the user to run the new Gruntfile for bower