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This project is created to automatically deploy koji build system environment.

The Koji Build System is Fedora's RPM buildsystem. Packagers use the koji client to request package builds and get information about the buildsystem. Koji runs on top of Mock to build RPM packages for specific architectures and ensure that they build correctly.


  • Vagrant (>= 2.2.0)
    • Plugins
      • vagrant-reload (vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload)
      • vagrant-libvirt (vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt)
  • Vagrant Provider
    • Virtualbox
    • libvirt (qemu)

Hardware Requirements

  • Server
    • CPU: 2 Cores (SERVER_CPUS)
  • 1x Builder:
    • CPU: 1 Core (it is recommended to use at least 2 Cores; BUILDER_CPUS)
    • Memory: 2GB (it is recommended to use more than 2GB; BUILDER_MEMORY_SIZE_GB)

These resources can be changed by setting the according variables for the make up command, see Variables section.

Quick start

To create Koji cluster with default values '1-server and 1-builder' host:

$ make up

To view on web browser: HOST_IP:8080/koji


see Usage doc page

Available targets:

$ make help
Usage: make [TARGET ...]

builder-clean                  Destroy one koji builder `NAME=<name>`
builder-ssh                    SSH into a builder VM, which `NAME=<name>`
builder-up                     Start new koji builder
clean-builder-%                Remove a builder VM, where `%` is the number of the builder.
clean-builders                 Remove all builder VMs.
clean                          Destroy server and builder VMs.
clean-data                     Remove data (shared folders) and disks of all VMs (server and builders).
clean-force                    Remove all drives which should normally have been removed by the normal clean-server or clean-builder-% targets.
clean-server                   Remove the server VM.
help                           Show this help menu.
list                           List all created VMsA
run-script                     Run script on koji-server VM, which `SCRIPT_FILE=/path/to/script`
server-add-builder             Generate new builder cert, which `NAME=<name>`
show-env-config                Show all Environment values configuration used to create VMs.
ssh-builder-%                  SSH into a builder VM, where `%` is the number of the builder.
ssh-config-builder-%           Generate SSH config just for the one builder number given.
ssh-config-builders            Generate SSH config just for the builders.
ssh-config-server              Generate SSH config just for the server.
ssh-config                     Generate SSH config for server and builders.
ssh-server                     SSH into the server VM.
start-builders                 Create and start all builder VMs by utilizing the `builder-X` target (automatically done by `up` target).
start-builder-%                Start builder VM, where `%` is the number of the builder.
start-server                   Start up server VM (automatically done by `up` target).
status-builders                Show status of all builder VMs.
status-builder-%               Show status of a builder VM, where `%` is the number of the builder.
status-server                  Show status of the server VM.
status                         Show status of server and all builder VMs.
stop-builders                  Stop/Halt all builder VMs.
stop-builder-%                 Stop/Halt a builder VM, where `%` is the number of the builder.
stop-server                    Stop/Halt the server VM.
stop                           Stop/Halt server and all builder VMs.
test-build-rpm                 Run ./script/ to test building RPM package
up                             Start Koji Vagrant multi-node cluster. starts and bootsup the server and builder VMs.
vagrant-plugins-libvirt        Checks that vagrant-libvirt plugin is installed, if not try to install it
vagrant-reload-builder-%       Run `vagrant reload` for specific builder VM.
vagrant-reload-builders        Run `vagrant reload` for all builder VMs.
vagrant-reload-server          Run vagrant reload for server VM.
vagrant-reload                 Run vagrant reload on server and builders.
versions                       Print the "imporant" tools versions out for easier debugging.


see Variables doc page

Build RPM package

see How to build RPM package. doc page

Creating an Issue

Please attach the make versions output to the issue as is shown in the issue template. This makes debugging easier.


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