This repository is created to have my terminal setting on every new created linux system. It includes configuration setting of shell(bash/zsh) profile, tmux, and vim plugins, which are my basic development environment tools.
bash <(curl -s && tmux
make all
make profile
Tmux (gpakoz/.tmux)
make tmux
make vim-plugins
make clean
Usage: make [TARGET ...]
help Show this help menu.
all Install all default basic setting (bashrc,tmux,vim-plugins)
profile Configure my profile
tmux Setup and configure tmux
vimrc Setup and configure vim
vim-plugins Install default basic vim plugins
vim-airline Install 'Airline' and 'Airline-themes' vim-plug
vim-editorconfig Install 'editorconfig' vim-plug
vim-fugitive Install 'vim-fugitive' vim-plug (Git plugin for Vim)
vim-indent Install 'Indent' vim-plug
vim-install-plugin Install specific Vim plugin (PLUGIN=<username>/<plugin> required)
vim-markdown Install 'markdown-preview.nvim' vim-plug
vim-nerdtree Install 'nerdtree' vim-plug
vim-plug Install vim-plug
vim-surround Install 'surround' vim-plug
vim-tagbar Install 'tagbar' vim-plug
clean Clean up all my settings (profile, tmux, vim-plugins)
clean-profile Clean up my profile setting
clean-tmux Clean up my tmux setting
clean-vim Clean up my vim setting