Render graphs using a declarative markup. Currently supports DFD ( and sequence diagrams (
To install using cabal run:
$ cabal install dataflow
There are some binaries available in Releases.
If you want to use Docker there are images available on Docker Hub.
For build instructions see
The following forms are supported by DataFlow.
An ID can contain letters, numbers and underscores. It must start with a letter.
String literals are written using double quotes.
"this is a string and it can contain everything but double quotes and newlines"
NOTE! Escaping characters inside strings is not supported at the moment.
Text blocks are special strings, enclosed in backticks, that are can span multiple lines in the source document. The space characters before the first non-space characters on each line are trimmed, regardless of the indentation.
`this is
... is converted to:
this is
Arrays can contain other values (arrays, strings, text blocks).
["hello", "world", ["I", "am", `nested
Attributes are key-value pairs for diagrams and nodes that are used by output renderers. Attributes are enclosed by curly brackets. For nodes that can contain other nodes, attributes must appear before nodes.
Keys have the same rules as IDs. Values can be strings or text blocks.
key1 = "attr value"
key2 = `attr
key3 = ["value1", "value2"]
is the top-level form and must appear exactly once in a DataFlow
document. It can contain attributes and nodes.
diagram {
title = "My diagram"
The boundary
form declares a TrustBoundary node that can contain
attributes and other nodes. Boundaries are only allowed in the top-level
diagram and they must have unique IDs.
diagram {
boundary my_boundary {
title = "My System"
The io
, function
and database
forms declare InputOutput
, Function
nodes, respectively. The nodes have IDs and they can contain
attributes. Empty attribute brackets can be omitted.
diagram {
io thing1
io thing2 {
title = "Thing 2"
The ->
form declares a Flow
between the nodes referenced by their
IDs. It can contain attributes. Empty attribute brackets can be omitted.
Flows must be declared after all nodes.
Note that the arrow can be reversed as well (<-
diagram {
thing1 -> thing2
thing1 <- thing2 {
operation = "Greet"
data = "A nice greeting"
Comments are written using /*
and */
and are ignored by the Reader. They're
only used for human consumption.
diagram {
/* I can write
* whatever I
* want in here! */
The image from the top of this README is rendered from the following DataFlow document.
diagram {
title = "Webapp"
/* Some comment about this... */
threats = `
No particular threats at this point.
It's **extremely** safe.`
boundary browser {
title = "Browser"
function client {
title = "Client"
boundary aws {
title = "Amazon AWS"
function server {
title = "Web Server"
database logs {
title = "Logs"
io analytics {
title = "Google Analytics"
client -> server {
operation = "Request /"
description = `User navigates with a browser to see some content.`
server -> logs {
operation = "Log"
data = `The user
IP address.`
description = `Logged to a ELK stack.`
server -> client {
operation = "Response"
data = "User Profile"
description = `The server responds with some HTML.`
analytics <- client {
operation = "Log"
data = "Page Navigation"
description = `The Google Analytics plugin sends navigation
data to Google.`
The dataflow
executable takes an output format and a DataFlow source document
and writes the output to stdout
dataflow (dfd|seq) FILE
To use the DFD output you need Graphviz installed.
dataflow dfd webapp.flow | dot -Tpng > webapp.png
You can use PlantUML to generate a sequence diagram.
dataflow seq webapp.flow | java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar plantuml.jar -tpng -pipe > webapp.png
You can use Mustache to output arbitrary text.
dataflow template template.ha webapp.flow > webapp.html
- Convert the attribute at the given key from Markdown to HTML.{{#markdown}}my_markdown_attr{{/markdown}}
- Replace\n
elements in the attribute at the given key, to retain linebreaks in HTML output.{{#html_linebreaks}}my_formatted_attr{{/html_linebreaks}}
- The input.flow
file name with no path and no extension. Useful when generating graphics and text/HTML with matching filenames (
).<img src="{{filename_without_extension}}.png" />
- a list of all the Flow nodes in the diagram. Attributes of the flow is accessible inside the iteration scope, including anumber
.<ol> {{#flows}} <li>{{number}} - {{description}}</li> {{/flows}} </ol>
For an example see template.ha and the output HTML in webapp.html.
The following Makefile finds .flow
sources in src
and generates DFDs, in
SVG format, in dist
SOURCES=$(shell find src/*.flow)
K := $(if $(shell which dataflow),,$(error "No dataflow executable in PATH. See for install instructions)))"))
dist/%.dfd.svg: src/%.flow
@dataflow dfd $< | dot -Tsvg > $@
dfd: $(TARGETS)
rm -f $(TARGETS)