This repository is a sample game showing how to run a cocos 3D game on VR platforms. The sample game is using cocos2d-x v3.10.
- Copyright: Chukong Technologies
- Source Code License: MIT
- Artwork License: You may not use any artworks in this sample game for commercial purpose
##Git user attention
1.Clone the repo from Github
$ git clone
2.Update the submodule of cocosVR
$ git submodule update --init
3.After cloning the repo, please execute
to download and install dependencies
$ cd cocos2d
$ python
##VR Platform support This project supports Three VR platforms: Oculus VR(win32), Gear VR , Deepoon VR(Samsung Note4/5 S6) and Cardboard VR.
Important: Gear VR and Deepoon VR Requires download oculus signature file for your mobile device from oculus official website, see oculus official documentation for more information
##Run Demo
###win32 runtime
Path: cocosVR/samples/proj.win32/cocosVR.sln
Requires Visual Studio 2015 and above.
###android runtime
Path: cocosVR/samples/
execute -V gearvr [-b release]
for Gear VR platforms
execute -V deepoon [-b release]
for Deepoon VR platforms
execute -V cardboard [-b release]
for Cardboard VR platforms
Suggest using release mode to build demo
##Create New VR Project
Building Project as mentioned above
- Game Effects: SongCheng Jiang
- Game Logic: SongCheng Jiang
- Game Sound: SongCheng Jiang
- VR technical support: SongCheng Jiang, HuaBing Xu, etc