PDF Bot is a web application designed to extract information and answer questions from PDF documents using natural language processing techniques.
- Upload PDF files to the system for analysis.
- Ask questions related to the content of the uploaded PDF files.
- Retrieve answers to the questions using advanced question answering techniques.
- Supports various language models for text analysis.
- Simple and intuitive web interface.
To run PDF Bot on your local machine, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone <repository_url>
Navigate to the project directory:
Install the required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up the environment variables:
Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add the following variables: FLASK_SECRET_KEY=your_secret_key GOOGLE_API_KEY=your_google_api_key
Replace your_secret_key and your_google_api_key with your preferred values.
Run the application: python app.py
Access the application in your web browser at
Upload PDF files:
- Click on the "Choose File" button and select a PDF file to upload.
- The path of pdf gets saved in an uploads folder once a pdf file is uploaded.
Ask questions:
- Type your question in the input field provided.
- Click on the "Post" button to submit your question.
View answers:
After submitting the question, you will receive the answer displayed on the same page.
Technologies Used:
- Flask: Python web framework for building the backend.
- HTML/CSS: For designing the user interface.
- Sentence Transformers: For generating text embeddings.
- LangChain: For text processing and analysis.
- PyMuPDF: For loading and parsing PDF documents.
- text-bison-001: For text generation and question answering.