Runs Linux in the Windows Native Mode (chkdsk screen). Supported starting from Windows XP to Windows 11, Also works on the Open Source Windows project ReactOS.
You can't go back to the Windows GUI after it has been ran. You can revert the Registry changes that have been done or You just delete the executable from the System32
Recommended to run it in a Virtual Machine!
Requires Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0
After installed search for x86 Free Build Environment. Open it
Go to the source code of NativeLinux and type the following command:
build /g /W
or let a batch do this for you by typing just b
Requires Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0
After installed search for x86 Free Build Environment. Open it
Go to the source code of NativeLinux and type the following command:
build /g /W
or let a batch do this for you by typing just b
Some files had to be modified due to many compilation errors that includes mini-rv32ima.h
Including disabling some warnings
An portable stdint.h had to be added due of not being included in WDK 7. Resulting in many compilation errors
The keyboard is US Layout only.
Copy nativelinux.exe to %SystemRoot%\System32 (C:\Windows\System32)
Open the install.reg from the files
From a release build just open the install.cmd which will do everything for you, Requires Admin privileges (UAC)
Backspace has been disabled. Due to it being broken
No ANSI sequences due of it being unsupported in Native mode.
- Get keyboard to work on Windows 2000
- Get backspace to work
- Fix more crashes during some commands on NativeLinux
- Fix ctrl outputting ⌃@ sometimes when pressed
mini-rv32ima for the RISC V emulator.
BugCheck2Linux for the BootImage.h file.
ReactOS Project For keyboard support files.
Native Shell for some great functions needed for this to work.