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AdHoc - InMemory Transformation Pipeline


Make it easy to define/code/review a complex pipeline of transformation rules.

  • The rules define a DAG/Directed-Acyclic-Graph, going from raw-data to complex measures. Intermediate nodes could also be used as measures.
  • The DAG should be easily readable and modifiable but a human, not necessarily a developer.
  • The DAG can express simple operations like SUM or PRODUCT, and complex operations like GROUPBY.

About performance

Humans are generally happier when things goes faster. Adhoc enables split-second queries over the underlying table. As the slow-part of a full AdhocQuery is generally the table pre-aggregation, we do not target absolute performance in Adhoc. In other words, we prefer things to remains slower, as long as it enables this project to remains simpler, given a query is generally slow due to the underlying table.

Related Projects

  • SQLServer. We rely on many concepts from SQLServer to define our own abstractions.
  • Apache Beam. Though Beam seems less flexible to access intermediate results as intermediate measures.
  • MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline.
  • DAX enables complex queries in Microsoft eco-system.
  • SquashQL is an SQL query-engine for OLAP, with a strong emphasis on its typescript UI.
  • Atoti PostProcessors is the standard Atoti way of building complex tree of measures on top of Atoti cubes.


Hardware requirements

RAM: any JVM can run Adhoc, as Adhoc does not store data: it queries on-the-fly the underlying/external tables. CPU: any JVM can run Adhoc. If multiple cores are available, Adhoc will takes advantage of them. But even a single-core JVM can run Adhoc queries smoothly.


  1. Ensure you have JDK 21 available
  2. Add a (maven/gradle) dependency to eu.solven.adhoc:adhoc:0.0.1 (yet to be released. You have to compile the project locally for now)
  3. Define an IAdhocTableWrapper: it defines how Adhoc can access your data

Assuming your data is queryable with JooQ:

myTableWrapper = new AdhocJooqTableWrapper(AdhocJooqTableWrapperParameters.builder()

For local .parquet files, it can be done with:

myTableWrapper = new AdhocJooqTableWrapper(AdhocJooqTableWrapperParameters.builder()
        .table(DSL.table(DSL.unquotedName("read_parquet('myRootFolder/2025-*-BaseFacts_*.parquet', union_by_name=True)")))
  1. Define a MeasureBag: it defines the measures and the links between them

An early-stage measureBag could look like:

Aggregator k1Sum = Aggregator.builder().name("k1").aggregationKey(SumAggregator.KEY).build();
Aggregator k2Sum = Aggregator.builder().name("k2").aggregationKey(SumAggregator.KEY).build();

Combinator k1PlusK2AsExpr = Combinator.builder()
        .underlyings(Arrays.asList("k1", "k2"))
        .combinationOptions(ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder().put("expression", "IF(k1 == null, 0, k1) + IF(k2 == null, 0, k2)").build())

AdhocMeasureBag measureBag = AdhocMeasureBag.builder().build();
  1. Defines an Adhoc Engine: it know how to execute a query given the measure relationships
AdhocQueryEngine aqe = AdhocQueryEngine.builder().eventBus(AdhocTestHelper.eventBus()).measureBag(measureBag).build();
  1. Define your query
ITabularView result = aqe.execute(AdhocQuery.builder().measure(k1SumSquared.getName()).debug(true).build(), jooqDb);
MapBasedTabularView mapBased = MapBasedTabularView.load(result);

        .containsEntry(Map.of(), Map.of(k1SumSquared.getName(), (long) Math.pow(123 + 234, 2)));
  1. Execute your query



An AdhocQuery is similar to a SELECT ... WHERE ... GROUP BY ... SQL statement. It is defined by:

  • a list of groupBy columns.
  • a set of filter clauses.
  • a list of measures, being either aggregated or transformed measures.
graph TB
    sum -- haircut --> delta
    sum -- haircut --> gamma
    sum.FR -- country=France --> sum
    ratio.FR --> sum.FR
    ratio.FR --> sum


Adhoc is not a database, it is a query engine. It knows how to execute complex KPI queries, typically defined as complex graph of logics. The leaves of these graphes are pre-aggregated measures, to be provided by external tables.

Typical tables are:


Column Transcoding

Given tables may hold similar data but with different column names. A IAdhocTableWrapper enables coding once per table such a mapping.

A default IAdhocTableWrapper assumes IAdhocQuery columns matches the IAdhocTableWrapper columns.

In case of a table with JOINs, one would often encounter ambiguities when querying a field. For instance when:

  • querying a field used in a JOIN definition: the same name may appear in multiple tables
  • querying joined tables with *, but tables have conflicting field names.

In such a case, one can resolve ambiguities by resolving them in a IAdhocTableWrapper. For instance:

    .queriedToUnderlying("someColumn", "someTable.someColumn")

Value Transcoding

Tables may not all accept query with similar types. Typically, one may filter a column with an enum while given enum type may be unknown to the table.

This can be managed with a ICustomTypeManager, which will handle type-transcoding on a per-column per-value basis.


A measure can be:

  • an aggregated measure (a column aggregated by an aggregation function)
  • an transformed measure (one or multiple measures are mixed together, possibly with additional filter and/or groupBys).

A set of measures defines a Directed-Acyclic-Graph, where leaves are pre-aggregated measures and nodes are transformed measures. The DAG is typically evaluated on a per-query basis, as the AdhocQuery groupBy and filter has to be combined with the own measures groupBys and filters.

Node granularity

Measures are evaluated for a slice, defined by the groupBy and the filter of its parent node. The root node have they groupBy and filter defined by the AdhocQuery.

  • Combinator neither change the groupBy nor the filter.
  • Filtrator adds a filter, AND-ed with node own filter.
  • Bucketor adds a groupBy, UNION-ed with node own groupBy.

Aggregation Functions

Aggregations are used to reduce input data up to the requested (by groupBys) granularity. Multiple aggregation functions may be applied over the same column.


Expressions as Aggregations

ExpressionAggregation enable custom expression for table processing.

For instance, in DuckDB, one can use the syntax SUM("v") FILTER color = 'red'. It can be used as aggregator:

    .column("max(\"v\") FILTER(\"color\" in ('red'))")


On top of aggregated-measures, one can define transformators.

  • Combinator: the simplest transformation evaluate a formula over underlying measures. (e.g. sumMeasure=a+b).
  • Filtrator: evaluate underlying measure with a coordinate when the filter is enforced. The node filter is AND-ed with the measure filter. Hence, if the query filters country=France and the filtrator filters country=Germany, then the result is empty.
  • Bucketor: evaluates the underlying measures with an additional groupBy, then aggregates up to the node granularity.
  • Dispatchor: given an cell, it will contribute into multiple cells. Useful for many-to-many or rebucketing.


In Analysis-Services, Many-to-Many is a feature enabling a fact (i.e. an input row) to contribute into multiple coordinate of a given column.

For instance, in a flatten GeographicalZone column (e.g. having flattened a hierarchical Region->Country->City), a single Paris fact would contribute into Paris, France and Europe.

This can be achieved in Adhoc with a Dispatchor.

A full example is visible in TestManyToManyAdhocQuery.



Visual filters

Sometimes, one wants to filter the visible members along some columns, without filtering the actual query. Typically, one may want to query the ratio France/Europe by filtering the France country, without restricting Europe to France-only. For now, this can not be easily done.

The underlying issue is that one mah have a column filtering Country-with_firstLetterIsForG. Assuming we have a measure returning currentCountry/Europe where currentCountry is the country on the Country column, if we filter Country-with_firstLetterIsForG=true in the query, should we show France/(France+Germany) or France/Europe?

Potential solutions/designs

  1. We may introduce a special groupBy, where we would express we groupBy country but only showing Country-with_firstLetterIsForG=true
  2. We may introduce a special filter, stating that Country-with_firstLetterIsForG=true is a Visual filter. It resonates with

Debug / Investigations

Typical errors with Adhoc are :

  • Issue referencing underlying Table columns
  • Unexpected data returned by underlying Table

Tools to investigate these issues are:

  • Enable debug in your query: AdhocQuery.builder()[...].debug(true).build()
  • Enable explain in your query: AdhocQuery.builder()[...].explain(true).build()

Debug vs Explain

Debug will enable various additional [DEBUG] logs with INFO logLevel. It may also conduct additional operations (like executing some sanity checks), or enforcing some ordering to facilitate some investigations. It may lead to very poor performances.

Explain will provide additional information about the on-going query. It will typically log the query executed to the underlying table.


SQL with JooQ

SQL integration is provided with the help of JooQ. To query a complex star/snowflake schema (i.e. with many/deep joins), one should provide a TableLike expressing these JOINs.

For instance:

Table<Record> fromClause = DSL.table(

Handling null (e.g. from failed JOINs)

See eu.solven.adhoc.column.IMissingColumnManager.onMissingColumn(String)

Authorizations - Rights Management

Right-management is typically implemented by an AND operation combining the user filter and a filter based on user-rights.

This can be achieved through IAdhocImplicitFilter. A Spring-Security example is demonstrated in TestImplicitFilter_SpringSecurity.

Roadmap / Limitations to lift soon

  • [Perf] Concurrency: for instance when processing the DAG given the results from the TableQuery
  • [CodeGen] BDD: Automated generation of Scenario given an IAdhocQuery
  • [Feature] Introduce the concept of multiLevel hierarchies, hence implicitly the concept of slicing hierarchies. For now, each hierarchy is optional: no hierarchy is required in groupBy (or implicit on some default member).
  • [Resiliency] Resiliency on querySteps errors: a failing measure should not break the whole query.
  • [Explain] EXPLAIN should go through CompositeCube and down to IAdhocTableWrapper own EXPLAIN
  • [DuckDB] Detect multiple tableQueries having very similar filters, and do a single query with multiple FILTER aggregates. (May happen when many queries are filtrator).
  • [Documentation] MeasuresSetFromResource should enable generation of Graphviz .dot files
  • [Perf] MultiTypeStorage should not rely on hash-based structure when Adhoc guarantee to publish distinct keys.
  • [EXPLAIN] Provide metriuc about memory usage (e.g. footprint from table, footprint for each queryStep)
  • [Feature] AdhocCompositeCube needs to handle IAggregation with carrier


InMemory Transformation Pipeline






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