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This package provides the React component suite for SolveBio-specific Dash components



# Install JavaScript dependencies
$ npm install

# Create Python 2 virtual environment and install Python dependencies
$ pipenv --two install --dev

# Enter virtual environment
$ pipenv shell

Add the following line to your Dash app

app.scripts.config.serve_locally = True


To install the SolveBio Dash components locally, simply clone the repo to the root folder of your Dash app

$ git clone

Then cd into the directory and follow the above setup process.

In addition, add the following lines to your Dash app

sys.path.insert(0, 'solvebio-dash-components')
import solvebio_dash_components as sdc


A working example of the DashS3Uploader component can be launched with the following:

$ python
$ open

One thing to note about the DashS3Uploader is that when run locally, it must be run on for proper function. This is because the CORS configurations have been set on the server side so as to only allow S3 uploading specifically from the above address.

Code quality and tests

To run lint and unit tests:

$ npm test

To run unit tests and watch for changes:

$ npm run test-watch

To run a specific test

In your test, append .only to a describe or it statement:

describe.only('Foo component', () => {
    // ...

Testing your components in Dash

  1. Build development bundle to lib/ and watch for changes

     # Once this is started, you can just leave it running.
     $ npm start
  2. Install module locally (after every change)

     # Generate metadata, and build the JavaScript bundle
     $ npm run install-local
     # Now you're done. For subsequent changes, if you've got `npm start`
     # running in a separate process, it's enough to just do:
     $ python install
  3. Run Dash file containing your component

     $ python

Installing Python package locally

Before publishing to PyPi, you can test installing the module locally:

# Install in `site-packages` on your machine
$ npm run install-local

Uninstalling Python package locally

$ npm run uninstall-local


Currently, separate steps must be taken to publish to NPM and PyPi as this project is based on the dash-components-archetype. There is ongoing work to simplify the publishing steps into one workflow here.

  1. Publish to NPM

     # Prepublish
     $ npm run prepublish
     # Bump the package version
     $ vim package.json
     # Create new tag
     $ git tag -a vx.x.x -m "tag message"
     # Push branch and tags to repo
     $ git push origin --tags
     # Publish to NPM
     $ npm publish
  2. Publish to PyPi

     # Bump the PyPi package to the same version
     $ vim solvebio_dash_components/
     # Commit to github
     $ git add solvebio_dash_components/
     $ git commit -m "Bump pypi package version to vx.x.x"
     # Create new dist
     $ python sdist
     # Publish to PyPi using
     $ twine upload dist/solvebio_dash_components-<new_version>.tar.gz

Builder / Archetype

We use Builder to centrally manage build configuration, dependencies, and scripts.

To see all builder scripts available:

$ builder help

See the dash-components-archetype repo for more information.