Listen and see…
- What do you hear? Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Dynamics, Timbre / Tone…
- What do you see? color, movements, shapes, patterns, narrative…
- What does computer hear? Frequency, Amplitude (Volume), Spectrum, Channels, Hrz/kHrz
- What are the connections?
- Examples: Lilium | SjQ++ | Labuat - Paint a song | Metope - Rebird
- SoundPlayer
- SoundPlayerMultiple
- SoundPlayerVideo
- ofSoundStream: generate sounds, input stream
- AudioIn(): microphone detection
Using the components of Fast Fourier Transition such as bandwidth, frequency, and amplitude to create movements on graphics, images and videos. Make arbitrary choices for visualization.
- Equalizer
- Graphics
- Image Distortion
Image Pixilation (FFT and Volume) ( Getting Pixels: unsigned char *data = image.getPixels() )
Pixilation with easyCam
Live Video(ofVideoGrabber)
- Synthesis midi/OSC/Python/addons
- Short Film: A-Visualist
- Visual Notation: Birds on the Wires by Jarbas Agnelli
- Interaction: Murmur from sound to light by Chealvert | Old Spice Muscle Music by Terry Crews
- Performances: H OM E OMOR PH ISM_Dome | The V Motion Project by Assembly
- Science and Electronics: Drawdio | 2D Rubens | MakeyMakey | Littlebits
- Music Videos: 森の木琴 | OSCILLATE | SyncBody | I will be gone | Cymatics
- VJ Resources: Vjsmag | Audio Visual Academy | S+V+M