M5 ATOM Lite ESP32 with WIFI (programmable with Arduino IDE)
Remote control kit ARD IR REMOTE, the IR-receiver fits directly into the M5 ATOM on pins G + 5V + G25.
Shelly Device(s) that can be controller by http
- Short press 1..9 to select the device to control
- Long press 1..9 to select the device and immediately toggle power
- Hold LEFT/RIGHT or DOWN/UP to decrease or increase the brightness of the selected device
- Press OK to toggle power of the selected device
- Press "*", "0" or "#" to set brightness to MIN, MIDDLE, MAX (1, 50, 100%)
- The onboard LED shows the current WIFI status. GREEN means connected, RED means disconnected.
- When a supported IR command is received, the corresponding http command will be sent to the Shelly.
query parameters are appended to the DeviceUrl to control the Shelly.
- Update config_remote.h to use different IR commands or a different input pin
- Update config_shelly.h to configure the remote controlled Shelly devices
- Create config_wifi.private.h (see config_wifi.h) to configure the WIFI SSID + Password
This project is a work in progress, so things will probably change in the future.