- Automated driver download with the latest (at the time of writing) release of the VDD/IDDSample Drivers by itsmiketech.
- Tidied up the text in some message boxes minimally.
- Added a 10 second time out to the automatic default backup creation ~ message box.
- Made it so the PrecisionPlanIT logo is displayed even when running the ahk script.
- Made it so that Parsec Virtual Display, would not appear as a GPU for users who have parsec installed on their PC.
- From here on out will be included in releases so that users can still reference the doc while offline.
- Hotfix: As of 3:13 PM PST I also made it so the IDDSample/VDD driver detection within the Driver_GetInfName() function uses HardwareID rather than DeviceID so that there will be no conflict with other Display devices that may have obtained the DeviceID of Root\Display\0000. I overwrote the release files with this change rather than making a new release as I do not want to create yet another release today for this minor fix. If we had an auto-updater I might have gone for it. Someday... Sigh
- Hotfix: As of 09/23/2024 3:39 PM PST - Pushed changes to close Issue #4 - SunshineIntegration.bat ~ not determining the Wizard's directory reliably.
Some other changes were made if you look at commits you may find other sprinkles of change. Honestly not that much this release.
The main purpose of this release was to accept a pull request for the automated downloads, while editing I made changes to anything I saw that I might improve with minimal effort.
Development is slowed while we are in a phase where the current solution is stable and workable with no issues otherwise documented. This solution exceeds my personal expectation for dynamic use with sunshine. I may add more functionality if I am otherwise bored and feel like contributing more. If someone puts forward another pull request I will likely review and add the code if I feel it improves the user experience in any way. Contribution is awesome and unexpected as it allows me to add features without having to do as much work. 🤣 Also if really cool ideas come forward I also may dive back in. If this tool becomes more adopted and I get more feedback I am likely to make adjustments due to popular demand. Otherwise I have been spending a good amount of time just gaming while I am on an unplanned vacay from work due to burnout. I am glad if this helps you. Feel free to comment or raise issues always, when I feel like polishing this it is nice to have a bounty list to give our users features they have requested.
Shout Out
Thank you JSRRosenbaum/Jezzick for your contribution and feedback! You helped remove wmic from this project before it would be completely removed from Windows in an upcoming release and helped implement automatic driver downloading! Thank you for your kind words regarding this project as well! Great stuff!