🔭 I’m currently working on coding-journey-with-next.js
🌱 I’m currently learning Three.js and Next.js
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on shoes-fullstack app
🤝 I’m looking for help with house-backend
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://soesandarwin2201.netlify.app/
💬 Ask me about React , Redux , Ruby on Rails, Next.js, Three.jx
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CNFxPuq3e1BXvocw9k76vgHWF2XI5alSkZQWBHnqpeA
⚡ Fun fact My music folder is filled with Earl Nightingale and Napoleon Hill's audiobooks.
- myanmar,mandalay
- https://soesandarwin2201.netlify.app/
- in/soe-sandar-win-softwareengineer
- Pro
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HTML-CSS-JavaScript-capstone-project1 PublicThis is an online conference landing page designed with a professional UI/UX to provide information about the conference. Users can explore the website and learn more about the guest speakers. Buil…
DumbCoding PublicIn this Next.js full-stack application, users can explore a wide range of free resources to learn coding, starting from an absolute beginner level and progressing to professional proficiency. Users…
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professional-portfolio-website PublicThe 'Portfolio website with Three.js' showcases my skills and projects as a personal portfolio. Built with React Three Fiber, React Three Drei, Three.js
house-renting-backend PublicDeveloped a Full-stack Ruby on Rails application that effortlessly helps users rent houses, make reservations, and create accounts through secure login and signup processes. With authentication and…
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Portfolio_website PublicPortfolio website is the professional portfolio landing page and I work with my coding partners and get professional feedback from code reviewers, Built with Html, Css , Javascript and Bootstrap.
vet_clinic PublicThis is a simple vet clinic database project using Postgresql to create the database for vet to store and animals data, owners data and vet data
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