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SODA Projects Cluster Installation through Ansible

Ashit Kumar edited this page Jun 29, 2020 · 10 revisions

This document describes how to install SODA projects local cluster, including Hotpot (API, Controller, Dock), Gelato, Telemetry, Orchestration, and Dashboard components.

Hereafter, Hotpot refers to API, Controller and Dock projects

Pre-config (Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 18.04)

All the installation work is tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04, please make sure you have installed the right one. Also root user is REQUIRED before the installation work starts.

Install following packages:

apt-get update && apt-get install -y git make curl wget libltdl7 libseccomp2 libffi-dev gawk

Install docker:

dpkg -i docker-ce_18.06.1~ce~3-0~ubuntu_amd64.deb

Install docker-compose:

curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Install golang [golang 1.13.x is supported. To install golang 1.13.9, please follow these steps]

tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.13.9.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' >> /etc/profile
echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/gopath' >> /etc/profile
source /etc/profile

Check if golang exists

go version

It should be go1.13.9 linux/amd64

Download SODA installer code

git clone
cd installer/ansible
git checkout v1.0.0

{{% notice warning %}} Checkout the latest stable release. Current stable release: stable/elba. If you want to get the master branch of all components, you can skip this step. (Master may not be stable or tested fully) {{% /notice %}}

Install ansible tool

This step is needed to upgrade ansible to version 2.4.2 which is required for the "include_tasks" ansible command.

chmod +x ./ && ./
ansible --version # Ansible version 2.4.x is required.

Configure SODA hotpot install variables:

Set HOST_IP environment variable

The HOST_IP environment variable has to be set to your local machine IP address

export HOST_IP={your_real_host_ip}
echo $HOST_IP 

You need to modify host_ip in group_vars/common.yml( Modify host_ip and change it to the actual machine IP of the host). For example, here the HOST_IP is set to i.e. localhost. You can set it to your real host ip You can also specify which projects to deploy; only hotpot, only gelato or all.

# This field indicates local machine host ip
# This field indicates which project should be deploy
# 'hotpot', 'gelato' or 'all'
deploy_project: all  #all refers to hotpot + gelato

If you want to integrate SODA hotpot with k8s csi, please modify nbp_plugin_type to csi in group_vars/sushi.yml:

# 'hotpot_only' is the default integration way, but you can change it to 'csi'
# or 'flexvolume'
nbp_plugin_type: hotpot_only


If lvm is chosen as storage backend, modify group_vars/osdsdock.yml:

enabled_backends: lvm


If nfs is chosen as storage backend, modify group_vars/osdsdock.yml:

enabled_backends: nfs


If ceph is chosen as storage backend, modify group_vars/osdsdock.yml:

enabled_backends: ceph # Change it according to the chosen backend. Supported backends include 'lvm', 'ceph', and 'cinder'.

Configure group_vars/ceph/all.yml with an example below:

ceph_origin: repository
ceph_repository: community
ceph_stable_release: luminous # Choose luminous as default version
public_network: "" # Run 'ip -4 address' to check the ip address
cluster_network: "{{ public_network }}"
monitor_interface: eth1 # Change to the network interface on the target machine
devices: # For ceph devices, append ONE or MULTIPLE devices like the example below:
  #- '/dev/sda' # Ensure this device exists and available if ceph is chosen
  #- '/dev/sdb'  # Ensure this device exists and available if ceph is chosen
osd_scenario: collocated


If cinder is chosen as storage backend, modify group_vars/osdsdock.yml:

enabled_backends: cinder # Change it according to the chosen backend. Supported backends include 'lvm', 'ceph', and 'cinder'

# Use block-box install cinder_standalone if true, see details in:
use_cinder_standalone: true

Configure the auth and pool options to access cinder in group_vars/cinder/cinder.yaml. Do not need to make additional configure changes if using cinder standalone.
How to enable Telemetry installation NOTE : Please ensure that you are using hotpot version >= v0.6.1.

Update the file ansible/group_vars/telemetry.yml and change the value of enable_telemetry_tools to true

# Do you need to install or clean up telemetry tools?
enable_telemetry_tools: false

How to enable Orchestration installation

Update the file ansible/group_vars/orchestration.yml and change the value of enable_orchestration to true

# Install Orchestration Manager (true/false)
enable_orchestration: false

How to enable delfin installation

Update the file ansible/group_vars/delfin.yml and change the value of enable_delfin to true

# Install delfin (true/false)
enable_delfin: true

Check if the hosts can be reached

ansible all -m ping -i local.hosts

Run SODA installer ansible playbook to start deploy

ansible-playbook site.yml -i local.hosts
# You can use the -vvv or -vv option to enable verbose display and debug mode.
[verbosity level: -vv < -vvv]
ansible-playbook site.yml -i local.hosts -vvv

How to test SODA projects cluster

SODA projects

Configure SODA projects env variable required for CLI as well as Dashboard access:

sudo cp /opt/opensds-hotpot-linux-amd64/bin/osdsctl /usr/local/bin/

export OPENSDS_ENDPOINT=http://{your_real_host_ip}:50040
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://{your_real_host_ip}/identity
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=opensds@123
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID=default

osdsctl pool list # Check if the pool resource is available

Volume creation steps

Then create a default block profile

osdsctl profile create '{"name": "default_block", "description": "default policy", "storageType": "block"}'

Create a volume:

osdsctl volume create 1 --name=test-001

List all volumes:

osdsctl volume list

Delete the volume:

osdsctl volume delete <your_volume_id>

Fileshare creation steps Create a default profiles

osdsctl profile create '{"name":"default_fileshare", "description":"default policy for fileshare", "storageType":"file"}'

Create a Fileshare

osdsctl fileshare create 1 -n "test_fileshare" -p <profile_id>

List all fileshare

osdsctl fileshare list

Delete the Fileshare

osdsctl fileshare delete <fileshare id>

SODA Dashboard UI

SODA Dashboard UI is available at http://{your_host_ip}:8088, please login the dashboard using the default admin credentials: admin/opensds@123. Create tenant, user, and profiles as admin. Multi-Cloud service is also supported by dashboard.

Logout of the dashboard as admin and login the dashboard again as a non-admin user to manage storage resource:

Volume Service

1 Create volume.
2 Create snapshot.
3 Expand volume size.
4 Create volume from snapshot.
5 Create volume group.

FileShare service

1 Create fileshare.
2 Create snapshot.
3 Set access permission on fileshare (ip based access permissions are allowed).

Multi Cloud Service

1 Register object storage backend.
2 Create bucket.
3 Upload object.
4 Download object.
5 Migrate objects based on bucket across cloud.
6 Create lifecycle for buckets.

How to purge and clean SODA projects cluster

Run SODA installer ansible playbook to clean the environment

ansible-playbook clean.yml -i local.hosts
# You can use the -vvv option to enable verbose display and debug mode.
ansible-playbook clean.yml -i local.hosts -vvv

Run ceph-ansible playbook to clean ceph cluster if ceph is deployed

cd /opt/ceph-ansible
sudo ansible-playbook infrastructure-playbooks/purge-cluster.yml -i ceph.hosts

In addition, clean up the logical partition on the physical block device used by ceph, using the fdisk tool.

Remove ceph-ansible source code (optional)

sudo rm -rf /opt/ceph-ansible