An alternative to the default, encoding and decoding packets with JSON.parse / stringify
With that parser, binary data (ArrayBuffer / Buffer / Blob / File) is not supported.
Please note that you MUST use the parser on both sides (server & client).
See also:
- the default parser:
- a parser based on msgpack:
const io = require('');
const ioc = require('');
const customParser = require('');
const server = io(PORT, {
parser: customParser
const socket = ioc('ws://localhost:' + PORT, {
parser: customParser
socket.on('connect', () => {
socket.emit('hello', 'you')
will create the following packet:
"type": 2,
"nsp": "/",
"data": ["hello", "you"]
which will be encoded by the parser as:
More information about the exchange protocol can be found here.