I participated in the picoCTF 2024 competition as an individual competing in the Global category, organised by Carnegie Mellon University, which ran from 13'th to 27'th March 2024 (local time).
This is a write up of my progress and the challenges solved during the event.
As the purpose of this repository is to document my personal progress, capturing my approach and solutions identified, which may be of use to others and of future reference to myself, it doesn't make a lot of sense to accept pull requests for solutions I hadn't solved, sorry. I welcome comments or possible improvements to solutions to those challenges documented, but otherwise I recommend creating a similar repository of your own, which I can link to from here if desired.
The write-ups for individual challenges solved during the event.
Binary Exploitation (9 solutions)
- format string 0 (Solved)
- heap 0 (Solved)
- format string 1 (Solved)
- heap 1 (Solved)
- heap 2 (Solved)
- heap 3 (Solved)
- format string 2 (Solved)
- format string 3 (Solved)
- babygame03 (Solved)
- high frequency troubles (Unsolved)
Cryptography (2 solutions)
- interencdec (Solved)
- Custom encryption (Solved)
- C3 (Unsolved)
- rsa_oracle (Unsolved)
- flag_printer (Unsolved)
Forensics (5 solutions)
- Scan Surprise (Solved)
- Verify (Solved)
- CanYouSee (Solved)
- Secret of the Polyglot (Solved)
- Mob psycho (Unsolved)
- endianness-v2 (Solved)
- Blast from the past (Unsolved)
- Dear Diary (Unsolved)
General Skills (9 solutions)
- Super SSH (Solved)
- Commitment Issues (Solved)
- Time Machine (Solved)
- Blame Game (Solved)
- Collaborative Development (Solved)
- binhexa (Solved)
- Binary Search (Solved)
- endianness (Solved)
- dont-you-love-banners (Solved)
- SansAlpha (Unsolved)
Reverse Engineering (4 solutions)
- packer (Solved)
- FactCheck (Unsolved)
- WinAntiDbg0x100 (Solved)
- Classic Crackme 0x100 (Solved)
- weirdSnake (Unsolved)
- WinAntiDbg0x200 (Solved)
- WinAntiDbg0x300 (Unsolved)
Web Exploitation (5 solutions)
- Bookmarklet (Solved)
- WebDecode (Solved)
- IntroToBurp (Solved)
- Unminify (Solved)
- No Sql Injection (Solved)
- Trickster (Unsolved)
- elements (Unsolved)
Full solutions to the challenges are provided in the write ups, however the actual flag values are witheld.