This package creates ABO payment files based on:
My package cannot be used by composer directly. Use laravel-abo package that wraps my package if you need to use composer:
composer require samobot-com/laravel-abo
More information can be found on the laravel-php package github page.
In case you use my class directly, here is an example how to use it:
$abo = new abo();
$abo->setOrganization("Ceska nar.zdrav.poj.");
$abo->setSecurityKey('123456', '654321');
$account = $abo->addAccountFile(abo_account_file::INKASO);
$account->setBank('0300'); // ktera banka bude zpracovavat, ta nase
$group = $account->addGroup();
$group->addItem("174-1999738514/0300", 2000.5, 2220009813)
->setMessage('první část');
$group->addItem("5152046/0300", 2000, 2220000598)
$group->addItem("192359658/0300", 2000, 2220000004)
$group->addItem("174-0346006514/0300", 2000, 2220497222)
->setMessage('první část');
$group->addItem("492732514/0300", 2000, 2220000811)
echo '<pre>'.$abo->generate().'</pre>';