Checks status of streams using twitch api
Option plugins.var.python.twitch.servers
controls what server this script will work on.
The default is twitch
but you can have multiples separated by a space.
/set plugins.var.python.twitch.servers twitch twitchcopy
This script also will prefix users nicks @ for mod, % for sub, and ~ for broadcaster. This will break the traditional function of /ignore add nightbot
and will require you to prefix nicks if you want to ignore someone /ignore add re:[~@%]{0,3}nightbot
should ignore a nick with all or none of the prefixes used by this script.
This may cause high cpu usage in very active chat and/or on slower cpus.
This can also be disabled by setting /set plugins.var.python.twitch.prefix_nicks off
/server add twitch
/set irc.server.twitch.capabilities ",,"
/set irc.server.twitch.nicks "My Twitch Username"
/set irc.server.twitch.password "oauth:My Oauth Key"
After your up and running this script will check if a stream is live via the Twitch API everytime you switch to a streams chat buffer.
You can also issue /twitch
in a stream's chat buffer to request a update and display stream topic.
/whois twitchuser
will perform a api lookup on said user and reply in the buffer you issued the command from.
/whois justin
-- [justin] Account Created: 2007-05-22
-- [justin] Status: Monstercat Label Showcase Powered by
-- [justin] Partnered: False Followers: 288596
-- [justin] Following: 33
-- [justin] Steam64ID: 76561197960265728 steamID3: 1 steamID: STEAM_0:0:1
If you are experiencing errors you can enable debug mode by setting
/set plugins.var.python.twitch.debug on
And/or disable SSL/TLS verification by setting
/set plugins.var.python.twitch.ssl_verify off
A Oauth token with matching ClientID is now required for all Twitch Helix API Calls. You can use the generator below if you wish.