The folder consists of all the datasets used in the project:
- 14.csv: The data assigned to us for the project
- Bayesian_Inference_data.csv: It consists of combined daily deaths of both the states.
- USA_clean.csv: US states cleaned data
- USA_confirmed.csv: US states confirmed clean cases
- US_deaths.csv: US states deaths cleaned data
- clean_organised.csv: The .csv file obtained as result after cleaning and removing outliers.
- feb_data.csv: This file is used in part b of mandatory analysis.
- fuel_clean.csv: Fuel data after cleaning
- fuel_unclean.csv: Fuel raw data before cleaning
- march_data.csv: This file is used in the part b of mandatory analysis
The folder consists of all the .py files used for the project.
The folder consists of the result obtained in both the Mandatory and the Exploratory parts.