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Automatic screenshooter for ingress intel map.

v4.5.3 "final" release. Development will not be continued.


  • Captures screenshots of ingress intel map every n seconds
  • Set your location
  • Authentication using login and password or cookies available
  • Supports 2-step authentication
  • Doesn't require X server to be run
  • Set portal levels to display
  • Use IITC (optionally)
  • Timestamp on screenshots (optionally)
  • Fully cross-platform: supports Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac OS X!
  • Hide some features like fields or links from the map (IITC only)
  • It's portable — you can run ice from a flash drive or a DropBox folder
  • Can be run via Docker (see the Dockerfile for usage)


WARNING! ingress-ice may be considered against Ingress ToS (although it hasn't happened before). Use it at your own risk!


  1. Unpack the archieve wherever you want
  2. Download and extract phantomjs archive:
  3. Move phantomjs-2.1.1-windows/bin/phantomjs.exe to the same directory where you extracted the ingress-ice archive, so it can be found by ingress-ice.cmd
  4. Double-Click ingress-ice.cmd and follow the instructions
  5. It will save captured screenshots with into ice-2014-07-13--09-13-37.png, ice-2014-07-13--09-14-07.png...
  6. You can copy ice/ingress-ice.conf.sample to ingress-ice.conf in the ice root and enter your settings there, so you can have different configurations for every ingress-ice

If you want to reconfigure the script, just double click reconfigure.cmd.

Linux/Mac OS X

  1. Unpack the archieve wherever you want
  2. Download and extract phantomjs archive
  3. Move phantomjs-*/bin/phantomjs to the same directory where you extracted the ingress-ice archive, so it can be found by
  4. Run chmod +x in console and follow the instructions
  5. It will save captured screenshots with into ice-2014-07-13--09-13-37.png, ice-2014-07-13--09-14-07.png...
  6. You can run it from any folder where you want to save screenshots.

If you want to reconfigure the script, run ./ -r. In case Ingress ICE crashes sometimes, run it with option -s: it will run ICE in an endless loop.

Creating videos

To create a video from your screenshots, you can use MPlayer (Windows download) (install from your repo if on linux). It includes a mencoder command. The following will produce an .avi video:

mencoder mf://*.png -mf w=1366:h=768:fps=4:type=png -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:mbd=2:trell -oac copy -o ingress-ice.avi

Change 1366 and 768 to your width and height, fps=4 to your FPS (more FPS - faster video, but shorter)


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the main dev c2nprds serjvanilla pheanex mxxcon mfcanovas sndirsch CyBot fesse tom-eagle92 rawdr mcdoubleyou RomanIsko jankatins EdJoPaTo

