- Window Manager: hyprland
- Shell fish
- Term Alacritty
- Browser Firefox
- Bar eww
- Text Editor vim
- Music server mpd
- Sound Setup pipewire
- Font JetBrainsMono
Note: this setup was made for the framework laptop and may break on other hardware
Install Arch with this guide: Arch-Install.md
Clone this repo to home directory
git clone https://github.com/smravec/.dotfiles-hyprland ~/.dotfiles
Install dependencies
paru -S hyprland eww-wayland hyprpaper-git \
fish \
ttf-jetbrains-mono ttf-material-design-icons-webfont breeze-snow-cursor-theme \
wireplumber pipewire-jack pipewire-pulse \
wofi cliphist \
firefox alacritty superproductivity-bin \
imv wl-clipboard wget tmux brightnessctl grim slurp mpd mpc kpcli \
cmatrix neofetch \
python python-pip pipx nodejs \
sudo pacman -S $(pacman -Ssq 'noto-fonts-*')
pipx install yt-dlp
Copy your git token to hyprland config on line 136 to access it on shortcut Super + G
vim ~/.dotfiles/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
also copy your git token to eww clipboard script on line 13 to not show it in the clipboard widget
vim ~/.dotfiles/.config/eww/Scripts/clipboard-mananger.py
make some basic dirs
mkdir ~/Pictures ~/Pictures/Screenshots ~/Music ~/Videos
copy all the files into their dirs
cp -r ~/.dotfiles/.config/* ~/.config/
cp -r ~/.dotfiles/home-dir/* ~/
copy wallpaper (mkdir ~/Pictures
if not already present)
cp ~/.dotfiles/wallpaper.png ~/Pictures
refresh font cache
fc-cache -fv
sudo reboot
Keybind | Command |
super + t | Term |
super + r | Launcher |
super + f | Toggle floating tiled |
super + q | Close window |
super + up,down,left,right arrow | Change focus |
super + 1-5 | Change workspace |
super + h,j,k,l | Scale windows in tiled mode |
super + m | Kill hyprland |
super = Windows Key
Keybind | Command |
Ctrl + c | Copy to clipboard |
Ctrl + v | Paste from clipboard |
Ctrl + Shift + c | Kill process |
Ctrl + o | Scroll up |
Ctrl + p | Scroll down |
Keybind | Command |
(Visual mode) Ctrl + y | Copy to clipboard (system clipboard) |
Keybind | Command |
Ctrl + x | Main prefix (replaces Ctrl + b) |
Main prefix + . | Split term horizontally |
Main prefix + / | Split term vertically |
mdownload - download media from youtube
dmount - mount device as user (editable without sudo)