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Laravel Form

Laravel Form components

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This is a package that provides a bunch of form components ready to use in your Laravel application and provides the best hanlding for frome validation errors.

Originally created for Livewire projects, but can be used in any Laravel project.

  • The components are built using Bootstrap 5.
  • Each component has a label, a name, and a value. You can pass the value as a model attribute or a value attribute.
  • Required fields are automatically detected and displayed with a red asterisk.
  • Errors are displayed automatically below the input if there is any.
  • The select uses the Selectize.js library to display a nice select input with search and multiple selection.
  • The ckeditor uses the CKEditor 5 library to display a nice WYSIWYG editor.


Install the package via composer:

composer require smirltech/laravel-form

Add <x-form::scripts/> component to your layout:



Here are some examples of how to use the components.


Use the x-form::input component to display a text input.

  • type attribute to set the input type.
  • placeholder attribute to display a placeholder.
  • required attribute to set the input as required.
  • wire:model attribute to bind the input to a model attribute.
  • name attribute to set the input name.
  • label attribute to set the input label.
<x-form::input label="Nom" required wire:model="" name="name"/>



use the x-form::select component to display a select input with options. you can pass the options as an array or a collection, or enums.

  • multiple attribute to allow multiple selection.
  • placeholder attribute to display a placeholder.'
<!-- using model attribute -->
<x-form::select label="Ville" wire:model="city" :options="$cities"/>

<!-- using name -->
<x-form::select label="Ville" name="city" :options="$cities"/>

<!-- using foreach loop -->
<x-form::select label="Ville" name="city">
    @foreach($cities as $city)
    <option value="{{$city->value}}">{{$city->name}}</option>



Use the x-form::ckeditor component to display a WYSIWYG editor.

  • height attribute to set the editor height.
  • value attribute to set the editor value.
    value="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."/>


Input Excel

<x-form::input.xlsx label="Fichier" name="file"/>



The package is still in development, so feel free to contribute.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.