I’m currently working at Communication Concept GmbH as a Junior Frontend Developer. Ask me about Full stack web development, reach me: [email protected]. Fun fact learn a new programming language and listen to music. I regularly write articles on habibjr.com. And here you can find my all projects which I've done yet.
Vuejs, Quasar (Vuejs Framework), Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Node.js, MySQL, Docker-compose, Linux, Git and GitHub
- Checklist Management System (PHP,jQuery)
- Trademark Management System (Ruby on rails, jQuery)
- Dialog acceptance Management System (Ruby on rails, jQuery)
- Holiday Administration
- If-then-otherwise Placeholder Administration (Extend ckeditor-4 Toolbar)
- Appointment Search Box
- An interactive map using Vuejs 3 & leaflet.js | Live on Vercel
- A payment system app using Qasar (Vuejs-based framework) | Live on Vercel
- LinkedIn skill assessments quiz app using React.js, Firebase Auth, and Firebase Real-time DB)
- smeb.bd.com (Demo:Ruby on Rails)
- Authentication from scratch
- Weather Forecast App
- Pexels Clone
- Single Page Todos app using Hotwire