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Minecraft Bedrock Realm Anti-Cheat | Anti Hack, Horion, Toolbox, FLY | Minecraft Bedrock 1.19+ | Works on realms, servers, worlds and more to protect your servers from anyone using horion, toolbox, or any other hack client.


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Rubedo Version 3.0.0-beta

Welcome to Rubedo, an anti-cheat designed to protect your world from cheaters. Rubedo is designed to be smarter than cheaters by giving users access to advanced tools to protect their world from hacked items, nuker, crashes, griefing, and so much more. Rubedo makes it possible to protect permissions and manage performance with the click of a button!

Getting Started:

Upon applying the pack and joining the world the operator should run the command below which gives you Admin permissions. The command gives full access to Rubedo. Ideally, the owner should run this command


/function start


See all commands in-game by running -help in chat, Please note the permissions on each command before using it.

Note: PlayerName Argument requires quotes around name**

-help []

Note: the help command will only show commands that are available at your role level.

-help <page: number>
-help <command: string>

-ping []

Gets the current ping of the server


-version []

Gets the current version of Rubedo


-role ["owner", "admin"]

This command allows you to manage permissions of players in this world, the command CAN access offline players.

-role set <playerName: PlayerName> <role: "member" | "moderator" | "admin" | "builder">
-role get <playerName: PlayerName>
-role owner get
-role owner transfer <player: Player>
-role owner clear
-role set "Smell of curry" "admin"
-role owner transfer "Smell of curry"

Then to view a set role simply:

-role get <playerName: PlayerName>

-ban ["admin"]

-ban add <playerName: PlayerName>
-ban add <playerName: PlayerName> <duration: Duration>
-ban add <playerName: PlayerName> <duration: Duration> <reason: string>
-ban remove <playerName: PlayerName>
-ban list
-ban "Smell of curry"
-ban "Smell of curry" 10 hours
-ban "Smell of curry" 20 mins "Hes too good"

-kick ["admin"]

Kicks player from game

-kick <player: Player> <reason: string>
-kick "Smell of curry" "Bad boy"

-freeze ["admin"]

This stops the player from moving

-freeze add <playerName: PlayerName> <reason: string>
-freeze remove <playerName: PlayerName>
-freeze list
-freeze "Smell of curry" "Hacking"

-vanish ["admin"]

Toggles vanish mode, also can say messages in chat making it seem like you left the game.

shows player left game shows player joined game

Param: say: this will toggle vanish and say something in chat

-vanish <say: boolean>
-vanish true

-mute ["admin", "moderator"]

-mute add <player: playerName> <duration: Duration> <reason: string>
-mute remove <player: playerName>
- mute list
-mute add "Smell of curry" 5h "Sending bad stuff in chat"

-ecwipe ["admin"]

Clears a player enderchest

-ecwipe <player: Player>
-ecwipe "Smell of curry"

-npc ["admin"]

Note: This will spawn an npc that will NOT get de-spawned by cbe protection


-lockdown ["admin"]

Toggles the server lockdown. A server that is locked down allows no one to join unless they are admin, also it will kick all players that are currently on, displaying them with a custom kick message showing the server is locked down.


-settings ["admin"]

Opens the settings menu for the player allowing them to edit Rubedo's features.


-tp ["admin"]

Used to teleport a player and skip movement check for that player

-tp <player: Player> <destination: location>


-tp "Smell of curry" 0 90 0

-database ["admin"]

Manages Databases in rubedo, this should only be used by advanced users.

-database get <table: string> <key: string>
-database set <table: string> <key: string> <value: string>
-database clear <table: string>
-database keys <table: string>
-database values <table: string>


-database get "config" "cbe_config"
-database set "config" "appeal_link" ""
-database clear "ids"
-database keys "ids"
-database values "npcs"

-log ["admin"]

Manages logs in the server

-log add <message: string>
-log getAll <page: int> <order: ascending | descending>
-log getPlayersLogs <playerName: playerName> <page: int> <order: ascending | descending>
-log getProtectionLogs <protection: string> <page: int> <order: ascending | descending>
-log clearAll


-log add "Smell of curry did something bad"
-log getAll 1 ascending
-log getPlayersLogs "Smell of curry" 1 ascending
-log getProtectionLogs "unobtainable" 1 ascending
-log clearAll


Regions are an important part of rubedo. Regions protect land like spawn, parks, forests, simply anything you want to protect players. Regions are really powerful because they are configurable and can stop all actions that happen in an area.

Create a Region: ["admin"]

-region add <from_x: int> <from_z: int> <to_x:int> <to_z: int>
-region add 20 90 300 900

Remove a Region ["admin"]

Note This command selects the region that the player is currently standing in.

-region remove

Or You can remove all regions using:

-region removeAll

List all regions ["admin"]

-region list

Changing Region Permissions ["admin"]

Note: Default Permissions are stored here: src\config\region.ts

Note: The -region permission command selects the current region the command executer is standing in

-region permission set <key: doorsAndSwitches | openContainers | pvp> <value: boolean>
-region permission set pvp false
-region permission set openContainers false
-region permission set doorsAndSwitches true

Managing what mobs can spawn ["admin"]

-region permission entities add <entity: string>
-region permission entities remove <entity: string>
-region permission entities add "minecraft:cow"
-region permission entities remove "minecraft:cow"

List the current permissions for this region ["admin"]

-region permission list


  • Anti CBE: Prevents users from using CBE (CommandBlock Exploits) which is done by checking the inventory every tick for these illegal items and clearing it.

  • Anti Crasher: patches a crashing method (typically used by Horion) that teleports a user 30 million blocks far and kicks a user hopefully preventing the crash.

  • Anti Illegal Enchants: Checks if a player has a illegal enchantment on a item in there inventory.

  • Anti Gamemode: Removes creative and clears the user inventory if the user is not an authorized user.


  • Anti NameSpoof: Checks if player has played before with a different name. WARNING when converting worlds into server clear your database first.

  • Anti Nuker: works by logging the placement of blocks done by the player and detects if the next block break is done impossibly fast (50 milliseconds) then we cancel the breaking event.

  • ban bad Blocks/items: Checks if player has a banned item in there inventory, or if a player places a banned block. This list can be configurable in the -settings

  • movement: Added flags that will check for movements like jet pack, fly, speed etc.

View Player's inventories & Ender Chests

First, you will need to make sure you have admin permission on your server, look at Permissions for more details

Next give yourself Rubedo:gui by typing in chat:

/give @s `Rubedo:gui`

Next Open your GUI and you should be prompted with this screen

gui screen that shows a ender chest in middle

Next to view a list of players click on the ender chest, then you should be prompted with this screen

gui screen that shows a list of all players in the world

This screen should show each player in the world with a player head with their name as the nameTag Click a player you want to view, then you will be shown their inventory:

gui screen that shows a players inventory

When clicking on items in the player's inventory it will remove them from the player's inventory and give you the item

Note: to view the players ender chest click the ender chest icon at the bottom of the gui screen

Once you open up the player's ender chest it should look like this:

gui screen that shows a players ender chest

When clicking on items it will remove those items from their ender chest and give them to you


Command Arguments


The playerName argument is a very special argument, it allows players to input playersNames and use it in commands

Note: The argument allows you to input a player name. If the players name has spaces make sure to include quotes around the name

Warning : This argument can throw errors if a player has never joined the server before


"Player name with spaces"


The Player argument type is like PlayerName but PlayerName can call be used on any player that has ever joined the world while Player can only access players that are in the current game

Warning : This argument can throw errors if a player is not currently in the game


"Player name with spaces"


The duration argument allows users to input time statements that allow commands like ban, mute and much more to understand how long you want a duration to last

The duration argument consists of an array of DurationArgumentTypes. A DurationArgumentTypes consists of a number and unit

unit's can be one of "y" | "w" | "d" | "h" | "m" | "s" | "ms"

Where: "y" is years
"w" is weeks
"d" is days
"h" is hours
"m" is minutes
"s" is seconds
"ms" is milliseconds


10d - 10 days
4d,5m - 4 days and 5 minutes
5h,30m - 5 hours and 30 minutes
100000d - 100000 days
2y,5d,8s - 2 years 5 days and 8 seconds
4h,3m,5s,20ms - 4 hours, 3 minutes, 5 seconds and 20 milliseconds


Rubedo has made it so easy to edit all of its config files in-game. Most Anti cheats make it so you have to know how to edit files and make packs, but with Rubedo you can do it all in-game with the -settings command!

Once you run:


automod screen

in chat you will be prompted to close your chat screen. Once you do so a form should be prompted up on your screen. In this screen you can edit things like AutoMod, Banned Items, Banned Blocks, Enchantments, And the Appeal Link!


As Rubedo is Still in beta, there might be bugs that you could face. If you need support PLEASE Join the Discord and submit your problems there