This will setup Docker Environment with Micro Service Setup for Nginx
Place all the files under a directory and the system should be installed with Vagrant and Oracle VirutalBox
Change to Directory created with files downloaded onto it. vagrant init vagrant up
Vagrantfile - Sets up vagrant box with CentOS provisioned with Ansible - This runs three playbooks playbook_docker.yml - Install Pre-requsites and docker playbook_nginx.yml - Setup Container with customized content and build the image to use for micro service setup playbook_microservice.yml - Uses Dockerfile/docker-compose.yml to create an container and runs as micro service using shell script "start-nginx-microservice"
Task "Docker Compose Micro Service Build" calls Dockerfile to build container from image and runs docker-compose to bring Nginx Service up as micro service.
To test the nginx setup, access the page at port 8080. bash script to the nginx host and service status