Vendor-agnostic analytics for AngularJS applications.
npm install angulartics
To install all available modules:
bower install angulartics
Note: we are dropping support for NuGet in the short term. If you are interested in taking ownership of this, please let us know.
Manage the NuGet Packages for your project and search for Angular.Analytics. Select the module for the analytics package you wish to use and the Angular.Analytics.Core package will be included. Also install any additional modules you require such as Angular.Analytics.Scroll.
Alternatively, at the Package Manager Console type:
Install-Package Angular.Analytics.[ModuleName]
Or, in a command line (with nuget.exe in your path):
nuget.exe install Angular.Analytics.[ModuleName]
Introduced in 0.15.19 - support websites that do not use Angular routes
or states
on every page and still want to track full paths. The modifications lead to the following behavior:
- Viewing page
will be tracked as/routes#/route
. The original version would only track the page as/route
- Viewing page
will be tracked as/noroutes
. This is useful for pages that do not contain Angular code besides initializing the base module. - Viewing page
that loads a default route and changes the path to
will be tracked as/routes2#/
. This will only fire one pageview, whereas earlier versions would have fired two.
To enable this behavior, add the following to your configuration:
var yourApp = angular.module('YourApp', ['angulartics', ''])
.config(function ($analyticsProvider) {
$analyticsProvider.firstPageview(true); /* Records pages that don't use $state or $route */
$analyticsProvider.withAutoBase(true); /* Records full path */
You can also use $analyticsProvider.withBase(true)
instead of $analyticsProvider.withAutoBase(true)
if you are using a <base>
HTML tag.
See angulartics-google-analytics documentation.
angular.module('myApp', ['angulartics', ''])
Add the full tracking code from Google Tag Manager to the beginning of your body tag.
Setup listeners in Google Tag Manager
Naming and case must match.
- angulartics page path Type: Data Layer Variable Data Layer Variable Name: content-name
- angulartics event category Type: Data Layer Variable Data Layer Variable Name: target
- angulartics event action Type: Data Layer Variable Data Layer Variable Name: action
- angulartics event label Type: Data Layer Variable Data Layer Variable Name: target-properties
- angulartics event value Macro Type: Data Layer Variable Data Layer Variable Name: value
- angulartics event interaction type Type: Data Layer Variable Data Layer Variable Name: interaction-type
Name and case must match
- Angulartics events Event: Custom Event Fire on: interaction
- Angulartics pageviews Event: Custom Event Fire on: content-view
- Angulartics Events Product: Google Analytics Type: Universal Analytics Tracking ID: YourGoogleAnalyticsID Track Type: Event Category: {{angulartics event category}} Action: {{angulartics event action}} Label: {{angulartics event label}} Value: {{angulartics event value}} Non-Interaction Hit: {{angulartics event interaction type}} Fire On: Angulartics events
- Angulartics Pageviews Product: Google Analytics Type: Universal Analytics Tracking ID: YourGoogleAnalyticsID Track Type: Page View More settings > Field to Set > name: page, value: {{angulartics page path}} Fire On: Angulartics pageviews
angular.module('myApp', ['angulartics', ''])
Add the full tracking code from Google Tag Manager to the beginning of your body tag.
Setup listeners in Google Tag Manager
Naming and case must match.
- angulartics page path Type: Data Layer Variable Data Layer Variable Name: content-name
- angulartics event category Type: Data Layer Variable Data Layer Variable Name: target
- angulartics event action Type: Data Layer Variable Data Layer Variable Name: action
- angulartics event label Type: Data Layer Variable Data Layer Variable Name: target-properties
- angulartics event value Macro Type: Data Layer Variable Data Layer Variable Name: value
- angulartics event interaction type Type: Data Layer Variable Data Layer Variable Name: interaction-type
Name and case must match
- Angulartics events
Condition: {{event}} equals interaction - Angulartics pageviews Condition: {{event}} equals content-view
- Angulartics Events Product: Google Analytics Type: Universal Analytics Tracking ID: YourGoogleAnalyticsID Track Type: Event Category: {{angulartics event category}} Action: {{angulartics event action}} Label: {{angulartics event label}} Value: {{angulartics event value}} Non-Interaction Hit: {{angulartics event interaction type}} Firing Rules: Angulartics events
- Angulartics Pageviews Product: Google Analytics Type: Universal Analytics Tracking ID: YourGoogleAnalyticsID Track Type: Page View More settings > Basic Configuration > Document Path: {{angulartics page path}} Firing Rules: Angulartics pageviews
angular.module('myApp', ['angulartics', 'angulartics.piwik'])
Set piwik tracker code as you would normally somewhere on your page, but make sure that you remove or comment the initial pageview tracking line (Angulartics will track the page when the first state is loaded).
<!-- Piwik -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _paq = _paq || [];
// _paq.push(['trackPageView']);
(function() {
var u="//";
_paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']);
_paq.push(['setSiteId', 1]);
var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);
<noscript><p><img src="//" style="border:0;" alt="" /></p></noscript>
<!-- End Piwik Code -->
Browse the website for detailed instructions.
- Adobe Analytics
- Chartbeat
- Clicky
- [Facebook Pixel] (
- Flurry
- Google Analytics
- Google Tag Manager
- GoSquared
- HubSpot
- IBM Digital Analytics
- Kissmetrics
- Localytics
- Loggly
- Marketo
- Mixpanel
- Piwik
- Scroll tracking
- Segment
- Splunk
- Woopra
If there's no Angulartics plugin for your analytics vendor of choice, please feel free to write yours and PR' it! Here's how to do it.
Make sure you follow the Plugin contribution guidelines. You can also use any of the existing plugins as a starter template.
It's very easy to write your own plugin. First, create your module and inject $analyticsProvider
angular.module('angulartics.myplugin', ['angulartics'])
.config(['$analyticsProvider', function ($analyticsProvider) {
Please follow the style angulartics.{vendorname}
Next, you register either the page track function, event track function, or both. You do it by calling the registerPageTrack
and registerEventTrack
methods. Let's take a look at page tracking first:
$analyticsProvider.registerPageTrack(function (path) {
// your implementation here
By calling registerPageTrack
, you tell Angulartics to invoke your function on $routeChangeSuccess
or $stateChangeSuccess
. Angulartics will send the new path as an argument.
$analyticsProvider.registerEventTrack(function (action, properties) {
// your implementation here
This is very similar to page tracking. Angulartics will invoke your function every time the event (analytics-on
attribute) is fired, passing the action (analytics-event
attribute) and an object composed of any analytics-*
attributes you put in the element.
If the analytics provider is created async, you can wrap you code with:
angulartics.waitForVendorApi("var", 1000, function(window.var) {
which will polls every 1000ms for window.var
, and fire function(window.var)
once window.var
is not undefined
. Calls made by $analytics
will be buffered until function(window.var)
You can also poll for window.var.subvar
angulartics.waitForVendorApi("var", 1000, "subvar", function(window.var) {
Check out the bundled plugins as reference. If you still have any questions, feel free to email me or post an issue at GitHub!
If you want to keep pageview tracking for its traditional meaning (whole page visits only), set virtualPageviews to false:
module.config(function ($analyticsProvider) {
Use the $analytics
service to emit pageview and event tracking:
module.controller('SampleCtrl', function($analytics) {
// emit pageview beacon with path /my/url
// emit event track (without properties)
// emit event track (with category and label properties for GA)
$analytics.eventTrack('eventName', {
category: 'category', label: 'label'
Use analytics-on
and analytics-event
attributes for enabling event tracking on a specific HTML element:
<a href="file.pdf"
lets you specify the DOM event that triggers the event tracking; analytics-event
is the event name to be sent.
is a conditional check. If the attribute value evaluates to a falsey, the event will NOT be fired. Useful for user tracking opt-out, etc.
Additional properties (for example, category as required by GA) may be specified by adding analytics-*
<a href="file.pdf"
analytics-category="Content Actions">Download</a>
or setting analytics-properties
<a href="file.pdf"
analytics-properties="{ category: 'Content Actions' }">Download</a>
You can use:
<div analytics-on="scrollby">
which will track an event when the element is scrolled to the top of the viewport. This relies on jQuery Waypoints which must be loaded:
<script src="waypoints/waypoints.min.js"></script>
<script src="angulartics/dist/angulartics-scroll.min.js"></script>
The following module must be enabled as well:
angular.module('myApp', [..., 'angulartics.scroll'])
You can pass extra options to Waypoints with scrollby-OPTION
. For example, to track an event when the element is in the middle on the viewport:
<div analytics-on="scrollby" scrollby-offset="50%">
Waypoints is fired with the following options:
continuous: false
, when jumping (for example with a URL anchor) passed several tracked elements, only the last one will fire an eventtriggerOnce: true
, the tracking event is only fired once for a given page
You can assign user-related properties which will be sent along each page or event tracking thanks to:
Like $analytics.pageTrack()
and $analytics.eventTrack()
, the effect depends on the analytics provider (i.e. $analytics.register*()
). Not all of them implement those methods.
The Google Analytics module lets you call $analytics.setUsername(username)
or set up $ = 'username'
You can disable tracking with:
You can also debug Angulartics by adding the following module:
angular.module('myApp', [..., 'angulartics.debug'])
which will call console.log('Page|Event tracking: ', ...)
See more docs and samples at